Wednesday, December 21, 2005

miscellaneous surfage (34 link post) weirdass but comic cult beatiful page on New Orleans musician activist In Defense of Ward Churchill: A Legacy of Scapegoat-Ism Youth Commentary, H. Mathew Barkhausen III, Pacific News Service, Mar 02, 2005 Spectacular Mammatus Clouds over Hastings, Nebraska -- These photos were taken by Jorn Olsen, .. .. . pouch clouds - awesome!!!!

This whole sight has just my taste in scenery, Nebraska is beautiful.

Northanger found the link here: more here .. .

my favorite set for the year 2005: An exclusive Folk Alley recording of the Dust Poets! (Kent State folk fest)
excerpt: Fat Old Jewish Guy Who Lives In The Projects said... I'm going to post an excellent item by Paul Eisen about this whole "Holocaust thing."
Sue Blackwell said... Eugene please do not give space on your excellent blog to Holocaust revisionists like Paul Eisen and his soulmate Israel Shamir. They do no favours to the Palestinians, and by suggesting that all Jews are Zionists of one sort or another Eisen is insulting all those Jews who genuinely oppose Zionism - which apparently includes yourself. I have a whole page about these people at: (piet: noted before; Sue threw a bunch of fellow wayfarers off her linklists since 'they condone and understand violence to citizens'. I wonder if she considers placing the Holocaust in perspective a form of denial?). Pictures of 23 year old ISM activist Rachel Corrie -- crushed by an Israeli bulldozer (939 comments) short short item on Shamir -- categorical links here: Uberblogs (lgf as one of four), Where Credit is Jew (a whole jewslew of them) -- Av goes nuts over Alison Weir, an advisory board member and keeps ranting which takes up the bulk of 56 comments in a mere 24 hours - - - Iby is making rather heavy weather of the well known Ha'avara Agreement between the Nazis and the Zionists - since he obviously couldn't bring himself to read Lenni Brenner, he might try reading Francis Nicosia or Edwin Black on the same subject.
Rowan Berkeley 12.10.05 - 8:56 pm #

then he goes on claiming hasbara manuels are written by Nazis and Rowan posts this in reply: (WSJ division):
The Cynthia McKinney Fan Club by JAMES TARANTO
A few weeks back, the Indepundit blog carried a very amusing send-up of's "We Believe Cynthia" campaign, which backs Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, who charged President Bush with having had foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks. "I have decided to focus my energies on supporting this noble effort," Indepundit wrote, and proceeded to catalogue McKinney's various outrageous statements since the war began.

Not to be outdone, an Israeli journalist named Israel Shamir has penned an "Ode to Cynthia."
Here's a sample:
This woman with a name from the love lyrics of Propertius, the delicate Greek poet, who called! himself "a pale knight in thrall of my angry Cynthia," is an all-American figure, brought forth by the spirit of America. The great country does not want to die. In such moments, the land calls for its sons and daughters to step forward to the line of fire. Cynthia heard the call. Support of Cynthia is the ultimate test of love to America, of belief in America's future in the family of nations, as an equal and friendly nation, not as an enforcer for creed of Greed.

It is paramount to rally around her, as the French nobles rallied to Jeanne d'Arc. Whether you are a descendant of African slaves or Muslim immigrants, a son of Confederacy or a Daughter of American Revolution, a freedom-loving Jew or a born-again Christian--it is the time to unite for Cynthia and for America.

This is so over the top that no one could possibly take it seriously. Oops, scratch that--the editors of the Arab News apparently did, running the piece with no evident irony. found with "broad and narrow" on images, a commercial and faded version with a story of how it was found in Holland and a different version by Peter N Millward wherein jesus is promoted in South american fashion from the humble place by the side of a brook in the first leg of the gloryjourney to no less than 2 central appearances, the lower one all bloody on the cross, a higher one showing him radiant in white garments to camouflage his cloudy position I guess. same deal here, even more faded; possible to suggest rarity and jack up the price .. .? - 'The Broad and Narrow Way' (nineteenth century, second half) chromolithograph by Charles Montague designed by Charlotte Reihlan, painted by Herr Schacher Woodstock artfair spontaneously mum on politics (HfPo-Beinhart-shortish) Animated worldmap of crop-cover since 1700 (QT-short via NatGeo) for once the man opens his mouth on target, taking a much needed break from the wonders of nevernotnetland to look at how the goodwill and credit IT has generated are being squandered; sad thing an accurate picture of 6 short lines is, if not unattainable, certainly far from expoundable by the likes of say, China and the European Community.

Sean Paul of the Agonist has written a short think piece on Iraq policy that I think is much too... kind. The only 'democracy' we'll accept for Iraq is one where we hold all the cards-- we'll call it democracy when they fight us with ballots not bullets, but no matter which they choose, we'll use whatever weapons we have to, to make sure that things come out our way-- not excluding election fraud and assassination.And we'll stay as long as there's oil that needs protecting-- don't think 2000 dead, think 200,000, over the next 50 years. Don't think $500B, think $500T, because the value of the oil will increase and increase, so we're not going to let anyone take it... no matter who we have to nuke. "Israel Makes the Nazi State Look Very Moderate" 12/14/2005 1:00:00 PM GMT David Duke, an ex-Louisiana State Representative and former leader of the Ku Klux Klan in the U.S. Hearing a lot about the political turmoil that plagues the Middle East region, which the State of Israel plays a central role in, we need to seize the chance and try to stress the great difference between Judaism and Zionism. Carnivale without the story line Murtha shreds W's latest lies (don't miss) (cPunch-aCock via vBoat)

Jihad vs. McSex - 49 comments -- Jorn Barger's intro: reminder that Islam most fears our porn (HfPo-Majd-looong)
12.10.2005 Hooman Majd
Reading Arianna’s post on the conflict she feels about young girls’ sexuality in the modern age (and how it relates to her teenage daughter) made me think about the issue of how our culture of sex relates to the clash between West and East, or more specifically between Western values and Muslim ones. At first it may seem irrelevant to the issue since it’s an American discussion, but if Americans, enlightened... "Actually, the original orgin of the Hustling the Left site was a major controversy involving Larry Flynt discovering progressive politics andattempting to give some support to an antiwar protest group called Not In My Name last year. A news reader/antiporn feminist at KPFK/Pacifica LA Radio named Aura Bogado took real umbrage to that, and launched amongst her Sister antiporn activists a bitter public campaign against Flynt and his mag, citing all the usual cries of racism, misogyny, and even pedophilia (one of Hustler's cartoonists was once charged and convicted of abusing his Daughter though the conviction was dropped on appeal)."

--- wow, after going to hustlingtheleft and seeing the cartoons reproduced on the front page (and seeing what MickeyZ looks like right at the top) I am not suprised such a charge would arise. An imagination THAT lively would raise interest in proving almost never unfounded suspicions that it takes one to know one; I know exactly what that feels like . .. .long live homeopathic dosage I'd say.

Dennis Claxton (well, ... younowho though later that week vividly denied in a post at cites : The California study, "The Impact of Legally Inappropriate Factors on Death Sentencing for California Homicides, 1990-'99," found that 80 percent of executions in California were for killers of whites, though non-Hispanic whites make up just 47 percent of all Californians, according to the 2000 U.S. Census. Those who kill whites are more than four times more likely to be sentenced to death than those who kill Latinos, and over three times more likely to be sentenced to death than those who kill African-Americans.

Friday, December 09, 2005

some bitches get me in stitches (chuckle alert) first dark toned .net tribe I see (of course I stay away from this microshaft bastion)

metalwarfare...pornography_of_death1.jpg Well said bitch. Whats so wrong with a little objectification?

I go:
well damien, I'll tell you what 's wrong with a 'little' objectification. It's too LITTLE!!!!

Or too big depending on which way around the mirrorEversion you like to argue, focusing on and magnifying a little detail that should be a consequence of champion- and courtship, the crown on a who' lodda succesful teamwork is cheap and disastrously short circuntree cut short and down.

A stark example at the top of your very own page right now!!!! A female body in the middle of . .. what? nothing, a stark glary waste white frigidity (to make her stand out or to cut her out and into the gaze as her last and only recourse . . .so she better behave and be properly seductive?????

Where are the pictures of women having fun and looking like they are embedded and comfortably ensconced in as well as own their surroundings as far as the eye reaches?

Where are the little queens of the communesteads able to pronounce on matters of public space and politics from a provably independent vantage point?????

Where is the mystery no mansland to cross from one such a settlement to the next? What local charm and beauty can we expect from ladies allowed to become 'le puissant riche' if they are screened for individualism by the same judges that make autonomy a dirty word?

ps: box = doos and indeed the 'domme doos' is a euphemism for dumb broad.

Visualizing objects of worship schlepped into the picture spanning a miracle mile, submitted by valiant gallants nestling in it, the more the merryer and more gracefully accepted by the matriarch is an act of visualization or remembrance I can't decide which and i don't think it matters but matriarchy does even it became a victim of it own success(ions).

via the linklist: yup, that's me alright, helpful links go to the authors and to a page with cleansing links, also features jungian quiz, IQ test, mind excercises and lots more (very expensive blue (fancy as hell but not all the links are go yet - started up only last month)


# piet Says:
December 9th, 2005 at 10:38 am --- I nominate this who’ who’ who’! hohoho! holy day season: suivez the green arrow => after 31 they seem to go colourful and brought me many a chuckle already
# piet Says:
December 9th, 2005 at 10:52 am

37 quick loading (pagan) frames in total, written in 1995 and other stories include: ‘rush limbaugh eats everything’ – I guess that means he is an omnivoracist or sumphin, must have been written at a time he was real fat .. . .in page 14 he slaughters a spotted owl. .. .no chuckles this time.. ..

Friday, December 02, 2005

some more Rowan Berkeley quotes

andy8 = xymph's moniker I gather:

"As Bush comes under still more pressure from his regime's flaws, the american/global ruling class will be tempted to re-vitalize the frenzy christian antimosaism in order to gain popular support for cutting the ties with Israel and getting more sympaty from the peoples around the world's last oil wells."

-- aha, anemone, now you're cookin with gas. I have been saying this for yonks. As Wayne Madsen reported yesterday, the US DoJ is being rearranged to insulate the White House from the neocons. All that has to happen now is for the word to go out from the Council for National Policy that the resistance of zionism to christian evangelisation (e.g., the Israeli law preventing the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem from proselytising) is responsible for the divergence between zionist and american foreign policy (e.g. the israeli arms industry working for china, venezuela, etc. against state dept wishes) and bang, Juden Raus.
Rowan Berkeley | 10.23.05 - 2:46 am | #

you think it'll go like that rowen, I think the jewish israeli sympathisers, are too deeply embedded in the united states government to let anything happen to relations with israel.
ian | 10.23.05 - 3:55 am | #

Ian, it sure seems like that if you let the MSM paint the picture, especially the NYT. However, not even the NYT can deny that for the 'Christian Zionists', Zionism is merely a means to an end : its purpose is to provoke the takeover of the Zionist state, and building of the Third Temple where Al Aqsa now stands, by the so-called Anti-Christ. Once this happens, the Christians have no further use for the Zionists except as cannon fodder.
Rowan Berkeley | 10.24.05 - 2:16 pm | #

22 November 2005 --- F*ck The Mentally Disabled And Orphaned And Foreign Kids ...

18 November 2005 -- Now Another American Nightmare Looms; Chemical Experiments On Children ... 37th comment: piet said...

typical, the alef list pulls up their collective nose pretty much unanymously for the likes of Israel Shamir, along comes some stuff supporting his arguments, check this thread called 'ringworms of the mind'

11:17 PM
23rd of november: Of course this is the last and blatant lie possible at the end of a crime, a perfectly diametrical denial of reality and sequence; first you use all sorts of hyped expensive stuff, then you pay with rising deformation rates, turn this right side up again and you'll see truth can be held, saved and received instead of spilled into the digital sewers to induce hopelessness, despair and longing for the apocalyps even.