Friday, July 24, 2020

Patriot Webb. Covid Roundtable, Attempt #2.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Always somewhere - ไก่กะละมัง (12 string cover)

NO IDEA what "i'll be back to laps you again" means but i hope it is nice and short for returning in time to top up the fresh dust supplies which are hygiene, health and wholeness ingredient numero fundamentuno .. before the lack of it [het in gebreke blijven] has a pronounced pied piper effect, caused by causes comparable to and prolongation of causes that made jesus 'say' [warn / complain rather]: 'let the children come to me' [which they were forbidden to do obviously or duh natural kidmagnet wouldn't have to waste his breath on fears and paranoias would he now?]

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Patreon ditches Ryan Dawson

“Access to Tibet and the Practice of Reciprocity”
