Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Killstream Debate Night: Halsey vs Syrian Girl

when attempting history one must go back beyond the obvious [actual] birthright derived kneejerkery, then past the imagined varities, .. but do not stop there. Next your challenge and task is to get past varied states of anthropocentrism that cloud the clear and the hardest descent isn't even really in sight yet at that stage, no matter how closely related. Take a guess before continuing.

 Anthropomorphicization ain't 'over' until you climb down past the Viconian ladder [1725 'New Science'] into more selfless and from the hominid perspective precorporate but overall more accurately tagged 'microcorporate' stages of being, .. a mere afterglow of which we seem to collectively threaten each other to become by the way# .. with notable exceptions, collections of which i made, many of which i consider syrian girl and myself to be part. One does not reach the planes of purified thought, moral, ethic and a truly grounding baseline before getting there nor will you grow a worthwile history, ripe for consumption, until then/there. Bon voyage.

Halsey's bottom line jetstripfloats [sorry] enforcing value destruction to be snapped up on the cheap and to crank production up for come to mind btw, ... and are akin to / fully in line with the mininukes deals Biden is involved with pushing on the Belted Roadies .. to fuel fracking [George Webb the metadata guy]. Perhaps it's in response to that we have seen a sustained Wuhanwood false flag excercise gone live larp, long enough to 'inmeme' all of the west and beyond effectively. Mostly cause it gave sinozio brethren in spirit [covert and/or kneejerk converts] wet dream powers over the parts of their world [[about which] they like to pretend [and faux monnaier] they can [finally punish and 'get back' to] degrade into minions and resources coming to harm in their stead, out of sheer admiration, like a trampturd letssay.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Alan Gogoll - Otter Rain

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

swale work vs covid measures - a psyoparison



1 MINUTE 19 SECONDS OF Chomsky w colour filters:
the question -- 8 views - Dec 9 ----- LucidLorax
2.32K subscribers
have you never been rainbowpilled about millenarian zionism?
Re: testpest. No more net flue deaths than average yet duh feminark fear/care porn!!!PENPIMPS MISLABEL!!! 'seasoning' swallowed uncomplainingly, ... if a parallel would exist in dealing with rainfall we'd have everybody swaling up to be secure from flood, right? Hence, suspicions arise the former is nothing but a mockery and blasphemy, a preemption and prevention of the latter work.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Part 1 of 4: Cultural Misunderstandings



in one piece here: ... since the section of youtube under evil cucktrol managed to steal custodianship of this video and refuse to lead you to part 2-4 i shall do so, via
Part 1 of 4: Cultural Misunderstandings (7:57)
Part 2 of 4: Native Preference for English Over Americans (2:51)
Part 3 of 4: Molly Brant’s Efforts to Preserve Her People (4:52)
Part 4 of 4: Captivity Narratives: White Women Who Prefer Native Life (5:16)