Tuesday, March 24, 2020

COVID Impact Forecast for Early April, USA

COVID Impact Forecast for Early April, USA
87 views -- Mar 23 -- LucidLorax
2.1K subscribers ------- this video uses the latest data to lay out a likely timeline for the collapse of the US medical system and subsequent mortality spikes beginning in early April
i go:
ics filled to capacity means less prolongation and actually worsening of suffering in most cases no? total peanuts compared to the non terminal / non lethal forms of life quality degradations, ratcheting up on all fronts ... not to mention that putting all on hold [to put it too kindly] in order to cycle as many as possible thru ics does, to me at least, smack of cultic bottleneck traffic to the sacrifical altar. Carriers, transmitter, 'nonsymptomatics', vectors, etcetera, increase exponentially no matter what .... you could quarantine the elderly preemptively at best ... go on then boomer poppies and mommies, demand the ultimate sacrifice ... or renounce it ...if only bycause you balk at a humiliating treatment that gives you only half of what little carefree life you had left back.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid19, Syria update, MMA

"normal" flu is the type a succumbent who doesn't cuck to the testcult (dna harvesting anybody?) expires from

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Doug Valentine Live!

Doug Valentine Live - he wrote about the time [CIA] spookery hit a stride comparable to the pharmaffiya winning in court against julius hensel about 90 years earlier

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

#OWS JACKSON BROWNE People's Mic @ Occupy Wall Streeet "CASINO NATION" Z...