Friday, February 23, 2024

A steep 2aards de rite literite

24/02 ------------- 10Hand ------ k127 ---- 18/07: {lot} - 28/02: {ctc}
no doubt like mine .. but i too 'circled' the noncirclers and discirclers with anonymity [except for the ones operating in the open cause they have impunity no matter what truths we surround them with#].

08? is that when the wave of secession favoring began in scotland?
had it worked we might not have had to suffer seeing BorisJ go bribe Z into just carryin on bombing Donbasians and begin to dump serious and seriouser amounts of western sell by date approaching bombs in order to continue doing so ... seeing the usual source of 'his' nation's supply, 'eastern ukraine', was also it's destination!!! talk about 'vagaries of circularity.

The receivers / targets, .. the 'redeemers' not foreseeing they would 'boomerang' in the worst way possible .. thru the air ... and land with a bang, not delivered to disassemble as carefully as constructed but as a statement of 'or else' ownership and domination, ...... all carefully timed to serve as overture to doin this with a few more registers and gears engaged in that sibling occupation known as .... ??? any guesses ????????

....... Palestine ... even the names overlap, as this contest concerns the Pale, an area the second most popular Russian is said to have said he was gonna confine the kommisarites in and to about.

you'll have to use your psygel || spiegel = mirror in dutch, psiegel a wordplay that does not translate without saying, but if you do it right

.. you will find neat watertite overlap w jews being 'forced' / left w nuthin but .... you guessed it ... in-, ob-, re-, trans-, sub- and most of all, PERversions of truth.

But Russkis and Ukies still fall for it all, literally [like redskins almost, ... soooo easy to soften of w spirits and polarize w muscle / bullets, presto, voila, circling 'vicioused'] .. and consequently, are dying over, .. 'rite' alongside Palestinians

Paleans .. Palestinians ... have we any clot and hard heartshort reports from the sinosphere?

i certainly urged Xi and Putin to temporarily rescue Palis from harm's reach to go build a few bio veda shtettlements [noo 'rite' of return!!!] and spoil BigPHarmGameShtickStackery into such a bargain ... but i am afraid these leaders aren't as larpfree as they larp to be [free]. Or perhaps i vastly overestimate the appeal of my 'rebrics RuBriX'.

bout dem bombs to bio transitioning blackberries ...
The ResetCabal makes best use of bombs known to them and the penetration of transparancy is already strong enuff that it has become relatively easy and cheap to show they know ...
.... how to sow sow sow ..... hormone disruptors that ease the transition to GMO and all them family homestead autonomy destroyin labcoatcreepproddickducts ...

# = other than a spacious and hermetic enuff wall for them and their descendants to 'cure out' [uiitzieken in dutch]. I'd prefer sterilization for proven perps and observation even for those of their descendants who left duh familyline gorechorebusiness and haven't comitted those types of crimes, spun up since WWII and goin for all out ... or all in no out also these dazy dayz .. but in the perv cringe dank abject way spoilin broths w pushy button 'control' armies [sans re- ou seduction].

fazit / ergo / conclusione
anyway, anonymize and nothin happens ... or ...

 go the George Webb route, focus on the hi up secure ones .. thus far seemingly in vain, .. too busy w their 'vie, manouver, whoremouth n jostle for posish in that most expensive and most evil of coffins [the MafiyaCabal variously known and nameshifted for centuries {Kommisars, bookended by Naz n Bol, fused into zios, emigrated and returned as NATO}, carryin their secret keepin networker and brandmarker of shame n blame, bill and biocide drill, the blackberry, every one of them the equivalent of all pre-digital nuke bombs thus far, including each test, on their 'person'

Smotherin comfort never ended no delusoryite [delusoriac?] goins on n on n on anon .. nor any name n famestealin neither .. so

make mockery love potion number 9 and here's hopin you'll take a break from yar woes and sing it for us ....