Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Musk unbans no ZioCritics

follow up to this bogspatpost at a sibling infocogspit earlier today:

nato features out of place copter adolatent lesbo

 ... i wonder if she ever heard the likes of Boris Malagorski speak about what KFOR has meant in former Yugoslavia for instance .. or Lybia .... nooooooo, the show footage of a malnourished babe being airlifted .... heavy lifting indeed .... so heavily deceitful the segway to all things bafflingly baphie is easy as pea Z ... and a little more than a little ... ietzjus meer dan een PietZ
dutch 'halftalk' radio has one on today also [5-6am] .. harping about ignorance of the female body in a deep voice and i realize it's like porn to her [into fembods all the way, all the time]. These ladies and the world would be better of running nunneries, concocting bitters and herbal remedies to supplement their balmy psalmy prayersessions and even deeper after dark extasies .... but noooooo, 'we' [the scary cult speaking and committing crimes in our name] condone and sanction breeding liddul baphies [Keffals] with impunity instead ... allow nato to do dastard deeds on grandest scale, also with impunity, fed a diet of heists and frauds like the mouthroarwhores and pimps of DNC upper cultics are fed and the feds are fed and BS BIS fed of feds are fed ... but feeding micromouths like the premangled predemise predead Cernunnos Courmas Kurmas Krishna christ crystmassmistman, taken as 'dismodel' for undead baphie, meant to mock and lock so lack could reign, THAT Cernunnos ? ... out of the question, ousted from deliberations ... geschichtsdeutung ... you name it ...

the title of this post is something Ryan Dawson said last nite .. at the start of this session:
4h17m Ry on JFK [anthology of sorts]

Sunday, November 20, 2022

gracie on FTX whoremouth shopping

20/11 ------------------------ 4worldbr --- k186 ---- 6 oVertOne

piet's will to pow[d]er blagspat, i mean bloggerletter splatter number 151 and 2116th [or slightly higher] comment:
posted the 42nd day after this
playing them at the same time is like taking black cummin laced flaxseed oil and fulvic acid to break the glyphosate out of it's 'weakhold' tissues ... always the same with those occupation force memers. Wokie satanism confined to theaters please!! better yet, bring back the asylums ... if only to lend 'king of hearts' a new wave of interest.

cave canum = kurmas / courmas / krishna / cernunnos /// ???? // ??

 beware the dog --- caph, sura 18 w 110 verses features a garden and dust parable in between all the paranoid division into good and bad sides and admonishments to have no truck w men ...only Allah, Qu'ran alone ... odd that, seeing that city culture did fucking definitely begin with those they tried to turn away with never more than partial or very marginal, even counterproductive success .... hellow 9/11
....those they had to at least truck to and for, iow trade with ...

 an ailing looking imam on odysee said the mysteriously emphasized dog in sura 18, which not only suprises me with its presence there but even speaks. Prolly a case of reading too much in it's sitting upright [diff take on {{{what other translators call}}} stretching???] .. anyways, that was just steno hilites ... here's the whole train of thought / 'clickseek whence' from [much] earlier today:

speaking dogs and rocks in the quran [surah kahf - 18th?]
the 4th, 6th or 8th .. in a company of city leaving allah lovers, according to various witnesses ... that's the question .. protector of 7 sleepers
early animal rights proponent recounting many abuses ...?????
ps [k186]: https://quran.com/al-kahf/18 [verse 18 of 110]
 And you would have thought they were awake, though they were asleep. We turned them over, to the right and left, while their dog stretched his forelegs at the entrance. Had you looked at them, you would have certainly fled away from them, filled with horror.
[18:22] (Some) say: (They are) three, the fourth of them being their dog; and (others) say: Five, the sixth of them being their dog, making conjectures at what is unknown; and (others yet) say: Seven, and the eighth of them is their dog. Say: My Lord best knows their number, none knows them but a few; therefore contend not in the matter of them but with an outward contention [open contender?], and do not question concerning them any of them. </li></ul>
25: 300 years of cave remaindering, maybe plus9 ... [x12+9]
32: start of garden tale
[18:37] His companion said to him while disputing with him: Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, then from a small seed [sperm], then He made you a perfect man?
45 .. out of nowhere, a thought on manners of prosetelyzation tactic, drawing attention to perishability, perdition, erosion "parables" - jobian flavored words

the binary is very strong in this one .. and 110 is half of 55 let's not forget ... recall that the overtones to upload dates i chose [k110] reverb strongly also right about now [9th minute past 6am]

>[18:55] And nothing prevents men from believing when the guidance comes to them, and from asking forgiveness of their Lord, except that what happened to the ancients should overtake them, or that the chastisement should come face to face with them. </li></ul>

fancy fashion conscious Vancouver BC Sufi outfit [2017 sermon] .. a very vain bunch [what's with the dress fixation anyways?#] ... dogs too far beneath them[obviously, unlike the afflicted muslim on odysee that suprised me with the dogtale ... have yet to hunt/pin the speaking part he mentioned down] to mention in this surah mixture with 18 figuring prominently ......
https://www.nurmuhammad.com/secrets-of-18-safar-people-of-cave-surah-kahf/ == cucktool taylor ... very fancy free associator - delirious ad libber who does not forget to solicit donations comparable to care .. i mean car expenses ...
“… as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, “Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us.” And Allah sent down his tranquillity upon him and supported him with angels you did not see…” (The Repentance, 9:40)

Ashabul Kahf Left Bad Desires and Attained a Mercy

The second month that opened is Safar – why Ashabul Kahf (People of the Cave)? Because what’s the next 9? 18. 9, the next 9 is what? Surat 18. Your right hand has what? 1 and 8. So now this must have a secret, that your right hand and the reality of your right hand is opening in the month of Safar. And Surat Al-Kahf has to do with the reality that, ya Rabbi, I came to make a tawbah (repentance) and I left my head behind.

7 protectors will visit your cave: Budala, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Awtad, Akhyar, wa jinn, wa malaika

soon after this [3/4ths of the way thru] the sermon veers off to surah 28 [moses aiding kin against rival who gets killed] and concludes [citations of 18] with :
“So they set out, until when they came to the people of a town, they asked its people for food, but they refused to offer them hospitality. And they found therein a wall about to collapse, so alKhidhr restored it. [Moses] said, If you wished, you could have taken for it a payment.” (The Cave, 18:77)

3rd Month is Rabbi al-Awwal – Reality of 27 and Surat an-Naml

We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us from these holy nights, the opening of the month of Safar and all it’s realities. This is a 12 month journey to the Lord of Power. The last month is the hijrah (migration), is the hajj (pilgrimage). The 3rd is what? The 3rd ‘9’ is what? 9, 18, 27. What’s 27? Surat An-Naml (the Ant). The mulk (earthly realm) of Sayyidina Sulayman (Solomon was a 'Mohamonderdaan' i guess)

Related: cave video
7m sober vid
 Secrets of the Cave, Safar and the number "18" Sufi Meditation Center ------- The Muhammadan Way Sufi Realities
93.7K subscribers -------- 4,147 views  Oct 28, 2012
Sufi Meditation Center presenting Sufi Realities, Sufi Teachings
and Sufi Guidance

Naseem Ali Khan --- 2 years ago (edited): I humby would request to change the subtitle writer.  I feel he is not a muslim as he is misquoting Sheikh's speach,  even very words which are common to muslims. This will mislead non muslims into wrong interpretation.  Please  look into it.

The Muhammadan Way Sufi Realities: Don’t use google translate
Allah Bless you Eternally --- staffsmc@gmail.com
+7 more lines of sig, including paki bank account
i go:  a somewhat related query .. where can i find more info on the "oceans of 18" .. is it related to the saying 'seas of time' [also used in dutch] and/or "CHURNING OF THE MILKY WAY" even? [if i may be so free as to look for parallels in the vedic word of making impressions, scribble scratch litteracy
ps: the latter translated to german as 'MilchOzean' -- surah 18 does have a reference to dust and dust cycles, erosions ... vanities ... your BC outfit seems to struggle with that affliction a bit by the way .. Or is it just the page designer? Not that there's anything wrong with representing the brilliance of dew on leaf digitally ... [Or is there?]. I am about to turn my as yet unbuilt inventions to dust for fear of misuse. Nobody can earmark nuthin worth a damn anymore down heah, right? Eiken, staven ... [standardizing], all gone to dusty respiration restricting plains right? it's a wonder khaf makes to point about coughs and such.

# = dress prehearsal:
Secrets of the Cave and Number 18
April 25, 2013 -------- 12.8K Vs --- 46 thumbs

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Schopenhauer meets Willunteer to Powder

 Schopenhauer: The World as Will & Representation | Kathleen Higgins
Fadi Akil ------ 3.41K subscribers ----- 491 views  Mar 3, 2021
how does a nice goy gal get sooo entangled in hasbarat line
how does a nice 7oy gal get sooo entangled in h1sb1r1t line
change due to yt warning ... i fed the bots by accident ......
 lead lead 'rag'finery? Must have been the stanford selection comittee same as the princeton same as samo say mold same old world split n splintrin march of 'spiritualized' revolchewzionz ... that got a sufferd vs ashkin race around the med goin [PS points to the homophony between mediterranean and meditation.
Kourmas Kurma, krishna crushnow showed them how .. and had already gotten the compost feeds going as far as japan, directing the Pestle Pivotry, having them geared and muscle powered from multistoried buildings them sardine can slave ships managed to do perverse imitations of .... pointin at ancient friezes if anybody objected ....

last nite i ran across one of  those short blogs with srikumar temple pics asserting it was a million years old .... well .... cue James True on cannibalism the other day, not quite rhyming with Maerth's and Tim Kelly's admission to cath mistakes not quite fessing up to Cernunnos under Notre Dame, .. and you get a broth of thinkers trampling all over the very truths they are searching for .... often flat out inverting, denying and topsee turfing them in the process ..... in this case i'd like to point out that will is close to wall and weight .... the bottom end of the pole/pillar / pivot [that grinds up to ground down], atop of which seats the 'clearhead', the crowned thinker who's spirit lifiting vision insight and headfun must firm up 'consistentize' the leads, however crooked, they alway have with the grounding experience grinds to ground joyfully. Easiest gospel to possess and yet lose ... insight of ... what's left then is trashtokkie drama theater, cringe and tranniehavoc just before the flip/collapse.

 Cernunnos went missionary with it but didn't quite manage to succeed any better than whoever went the other way ... leaving jappies with rope rituals ... empty fucking rope rituals ... as they suffer and slowly die away from tox and tracelacks ... all spreading cause of the clearheadedness downtimes. Speaking of which though, a japanese shallow shoreline creature# has helped reestablish an indiginous, remotely related sibling headed for extinction and so it's time to once again ponder a cultural move that is poorly charaterized as 'movement of invasive species' ... my diffusion folder has long been starved for a feed ... and i't make a note of stuffing this note in it. And i'll have to add that sephardim lost a whole lot of respect and hope i had for them as i realized Solzhenitsyn already explained it was them who did the tavern psyop to provide the intox that incapacitated resistance to the literacy shekel shackles [ashkin specialty, pass time and 'infiltrule']
 .... bring back  the racey litters is all i want. Bollywood, if it has even a mere true sliver left, should be lined up to help me show that side of it ... but hey, patience is always willpower's worthy adversaray ... i did a blog called 'piet's will to powder' and shall blog this note there ... as well as list it on my 'vids i threw kommentaartjes towards'

# - https://www.nporadio1.nl/uitzendingen/vroege-vogels/05190b84-93cb-40ae-ab7c-8e12e86fccab/2022-11-06-vroege-vogels
ps .. i cannot find where i was writing this:
i am glad mykeru overcame his recently and hope it's a tide turn omen and told him so
... before deciding on another 'tussenzin' [bane of my life, but it helped do the mandalalike thoughtprocess down to the tiniest splinters indeed ... not that it saved me from glyphosate ... quite ... but pretty close .... close enuff for especially cringe personal drama.