Friday, September 18, 2020

Elbit arms company HQ stormed in a second bold direct action

Elbit arms company HQ stormed in a second bold direct action
•Aug 7, 2020
Real Media
7.69K subscribers
A week after visiting Israeli arms company Elbit Systems, the new protest network Palestine Action carried out a second raid, storming their central London HQ and leaving a lot of painted messages for their staff and others in the shared building.

The action involved around half a dozen protesters, along with a passer-by who apparently saw it was Palestine-related and joined in! Several decorated the lobby while chanting and unfurling a huge ‘Shut Elbit Down’ banner, while three ran up to the sixth floor and painted slogans outside Elbit’s main office there.

The whole event lasted nearly ten minutes and then everyone left peacefully. It is not clear whether the security person called police, but it doesn’t appear that they attended, and activists have not so far been questioned over the previous week’s action.

The group believes that Elbit is worried that a court case would reveal complicity in war crimes, and it certainly seems there’s something preventing the company from pursuing legal recourse. Real Media filmed an action last year at their Kent Instro Precision factory, where police watched activists paint-spraying doors and windows, but told them they would not be arrested.

Elbit make the majority of drones used by the Israeli military in Gaza, and an Amnesty report found that during the 2014 attack on Gaza, failure to protect civilians constituted war crimes.

The Palestine Action network have vowed to keep disrupting Elbit in escalating actions to drive them out of the UK.

More info at

Thursday, September 03, 2020


too nerdy to be real fun .. but a few fun moments are undeniably contained in these four minutes and thirty seven seconds .... oops ... i am infected!!!!!!!!!

Tore Says | Weekend Edition | Humans Are the Enemy

 Tore Says | Weekend Edition | Humans Are the Enemy
10K views -  Aug 1 - Tore Says - 62K subscribers
Climate Change is about THEIR Extinction

Bomar 1 month ago (edited): I own a cow farm, my air is clean, my water is the best, (I own the local aquifer), my skies a clear...  But I still can not find a farm hand... MIDDLE TENNESSEE...

if you care to shed a load of hype, superstition, doxmemes, hysteria, propaganda and get some stampede immunity instead, go back to the late 70s, John D Hamaker who was making break thrus, decisive ones most literally in fact, the dust factor is not just an albedo thing as Ralph Ellis asserts but a trace elementally driven water capture factor. it's been the red thread thru my life and i related it to economics and psychology, even mythology and religion as no one did before me

re 55th m [your size argument]: Tore, oxygen is half the story, go a tier or two deeper, it comes from reduced oxides .... i'll wait for the claycoin to drop ... and if not, here's a hint or two more: the dutch decided to keep the delta water inflow out in order to farm and shoo the birds and fishes ... they choked out the slib sediment influx and thereby themselves to where they have gone and lost most manhood characterics and ingredients, relying on the toxic elements of it, very much a raw last straw deal ....savant inventions gleened from stacked suffering [if it stacks, it suffers]. the immigration issue is an in- and perverted satanic secret[ion] and anthroporphizing / anthrocentricity trick underlining and policing this antaeos like 'lift off' / ungrounding. Capiche?
