Sunday, November 06, 2022

Schopenhauer meets Willunteer to Powder
 Schopenhauer: The World as Will & Representation | Kathleen Higgins
Fadi Akil ------ 3.41K subscribers ----- 491 views  Mar 3, 2021
how does a nice goy gal get sooo entangled in hasbarat line
how does a nice 7oy gal get sooo entangled in h1sb1r1t line
change due to yt warning ... i fed the bots by accident ......
 lead lead 'rag'finery? Must have been the stanford selection comittee same as the princeton same as samo say mold same old world split n splintrin march of 'spiritualized' revolchewzionz ... that got a sufferd vs ashkin race around the med goin [PS points to the homophony between mediterranean and meditation.
Kourmas Kurma, krishna crushnow showed them how .. and had already gotten the compost feeds going as far as japan, directing the Pestle Pivotry, having them geared and muscle powered from multistoried buildings them sardine can slave ships managed to do perverse imitations of .... pointin at ancient friezes if anybody objected ....

last nite i ran across one of  those short blogs with srikumar temple pics asserting it was a million years old .... well .... cue James True on cannibalism the other day, not quite rhyming with Maerth's and Tim Kelly's admission to cath mistakes not quite fessing up to Cernunnos under Notre Dame, .. and you get a broth of thinkers trampling all over the very truths they are searching for .... often flat out inverting, denying and topsee turfing them in the process ..... in this case i'd like to point out that will is close to wall and weight .... the bottom end of the pole/pillar / pivot [that grinds up to ground down], atop of which seats the 'clearhead', the crowned thinker who's spirit lifiting vision insight and headfun must firm up 'consistentize' the leads, however crooked, they alway have with the grounding experience grinds to ground joyfully. Easiest gospel to possess and yet lose ... insight of ... what's left then is trashtokkie drama theater, cringe and tranniehavoc just before the flip/collapse.

 Cernunnos went missionary with it but didn't quite manage to succeed any better than whoever went the other way ... leaving jappies with rope rituals ... empty fucking rope rituals ... as they suffer and slowly die away from tox and tracelacks ... all spreading cause of the clearheadedness downtimes. Speaking of which though, a japanese shallow shoreline creature# has helped reestablish an indiginous, remotely related sibling headed for extinction and so it's time to once again ponder a cultural move that is poorly charaterized as 'movement of invasive species' ... my diffusion folder has long been starved for a feed ... and i't make a note of stuffing this note in it. And i'll have to add that sephardim lost a whole lot of respect and hope i had for them as i realized Solzhenitsyn already explained it was them who did the tavern psyop to provide the intox that incapacitated resistance to the literacy shekel shackles [ashkin specialty, pass time and 'infiltrule']
 .... bring back  the racey litters is all i want. Bollywood, if it has even a mere true sliver left, should be lined up to help me show that side of it ... but hey, patience is always willpower's worthy adversaray ... i did a blog called 'piet's will to powder' and shall blog this note there ... as well as list it on my 'vids i threw kommentaartjes towards'

# -
ps .. i cannot find where i was writing this:
i am glad mykeru overcame his recently and hope it's a tide turn omen and told him so
... before deciding on another 'tussenzin' [bane of my life, but it helped do the mandalalike thoughtprocess down to the tiniest splinters indeed ... not that it saved me from glyphosate ... quite ... but pretty close .... close enuff for especially cringe personal drama.


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