Sunday, October 22, 2023

Deep Statanism per glyphosate et al

23/10 ---- 3Nite --------- k3 ------ -3/02 : : [LOT] --- 17/11: [CTC]
SS: Moms Across America has an excellent article out linking glyphosate to major depression.  The science is compelling.
soundbite of my experience: i had an instant pychic collapse / paralysis and the poison went to 'work' unimpeded for months and months ['me' in denial, searching causes of worsening health in my past], despite nite long 'double overs' with cramps clearcutting gutflora. see p2

Publicity 4 my case could break the spell ... were it not 4 my iffy life which will be weaponized proportionate to the degree we can dent the #pharmafiya - worth a try tho .. so .. send all ethically ambitious lawyers and doctors to try use me as battering ram ON THE DUBBL !!!!!

please help curate results ....


 October 11, 2023 by archyde
The Fight Against Glyphosate
some hifi lost due to machinic translation; if you understand Fr, go here:

my personal experience with glyphosate:
pages 336 - p254 = 2020 thru to end 2021
p255 - p520 = 2022 down to 13th of june --- 832 pages ... 4books in1

Now for some real 'missers', ... corporate shill alert:
bunch of liers w 24 disqus comments
 2 years ago ------ anthony samsel:
    Proper enzyme functions are necessary for the proper function of our endocrine system. Glyphosate inhibits and interferes with the function of human enzymes as well as those of other animals, enzymes including pancreatic lipase, pepsin and trypsin ~ Glyphosate like other phosphonates is a serine hydrolase inhibitor. Lipase is a serine hydrolase family enzyme. Monsanto lied when they stated that glyphosate only affects the Shikimate Pathway of plants, bacteria and archaea ~ Glyphosate can be found in the semen and eggs of all animals fed a diet of glyphosate residues. Glyphosate corrupts lipids and disrupts phospholipases. Alteration of the lipids of sperm can cause infertility.

----------Peter Olins: Hi Anthony, You have been making these claims of interference with digestive enzymes for years on Disqus, but strangely refuse to show the data. Please present your data in a reputable peer-reviewed journal so that we can discuss the validity of your claims. If you don't want the effort required to publish, just create a free blog. Surely, if you have a valid claim, you have a moral obligation to protect the public by sharing the specifics?
-----You say that glyphosate "corrupts" lipids. I have never heard of a chemist using this word! Is this corruption a covalent bond, a non-covalent one, or a moral judgement? I'm a great believer in protecting under-age lipids.
 some stats ... 37 refs

2 quotes from a 595 page EU rapport
i find linked there, with summaries of a 'psyAndIffy' search for and denial of suspect result [banished to the title apparantly, bycause not {{as i expected}} proven and specified in the content, in fact, denied in the  summary blurbs [sources redacted .. and i wouldn't wanna know them anyways]. Sigh, why did i think SciPubs could escape the topsiturfication of all else?] ..... it leaves a very bad impression on me .... exudes the same malicious mockery that got me my 'suprise'* dosage in the first place
Assessment Group on Glyphosate -AGG = Nl, Hu, Se and Fr
Refer to separate RAR B.6.5.
in light of the above i am prolly not missing anything .....

112-198 = oral - 39 studies; sample from page 119:
Individual body weights were recorded just prior to dosing and thereafter in weekly intervals up to the end of the study. On Day 14 after dosing, all animals were sacrificed, dissected and inspected macroscopically. All gross pathological changes were recorded. No microscopic examination was performed as no pathological findings were noted at necropsy.

* = you are busy 'cleaning' your doorstep killing 'weeds' [with that wonderbottle you heard declared illegal on the news but you have plenny left, neighbour has plenny weeds ... using poison is 'normal' around here], .. so who would ever suspect you of, prosecute you for and get to a verdict for poisoning your neighbour? Let alone try prove you are attempting to do so maliciously. The true why lies in jealousy, a 'reason' that was operative and all ablaze for years already in fact .. and yet .. i do not fully realize this until i have begun to climb out of the hole they kicked me in. And how about the why from my side. Did i self punish for / over not suspecting poison could be 'in play' as reason for my 49 euro espalier James Grieves between our frontdoors going 'ter neige'.

This also was not realized until months and months went by ... i have gravely underestimated animosity of those who moved to become my neighbours [not flattering, site unseen, by definition .. oddly enuff i was beginning to listen to George Webb big time right around then .... "prosecuted youtube journalist" as his PTSDed brother used to repeat endlessly in his comical commentary vids, yet i thought i was excempt somehow, .. thinking i could keep on riding parentally protective waves 'onbekommerdly' even after both were years gone??? I did often note i was making dumb mistakes .. little ones, but serially .. and dreading to look at/for bigger ones ..... ].

.... either way, i was not, despite GW and a host of other sources for warning examples ... i was not suspicious about motivations of those jumpin at the op to become my neighbours .. without anybody forcing, bribing or directing them to ... but perhaps that will require a rethink and ponder over ... some bad day down the line .... Either way, i did not even begin to suspect what i now see as the purest evil of the most refined feminance in the grips of which the whole world suffers ... it is protocolian post carepornqueen crowning .... a good 80 years after the pharmafiya's first great victory ... stomping on a fine morsel indeed, chasing him clear out the country despite and of course bycause of his great success and good repute. Julius Hensel lost a courtcase over his rockdust prescriptions ... something between an ag consultant and a doctor, he was the kind of "physiological chemist" who had a place filled with natural remedies .. but the pharmafiya was after getting a patent on and taking possession of the rights to call their bloat/exploit / sicken shit chemical fertilizer .. attempting to jump into the dwindling guano supply wave with their very harmful surrogate to keep up with demand .... if you are a weed you are asking for it riiiiight??? if you are a "viezerik" [direkt quote from summer '23] you deserve to be raped to death in jail riiiiiiight????

DW News: What's wrong with glyphosate, the herbicide used in Roundup? - Oct 13, 2023
i know DW as utterly deceptive globalist shills yet this refs true critics? What's up w that?

Stephanie, if you made it this far:
what do i do about the loss of my ability to digest fats?

This is prolly what causes clogging up of my gut / colon portal / passage with sticky stuff [not to mention the actual evacuating probs] so that i get 'sloshbelly and biofilm build up. ::: CAVEAT: Dietrich Klinghardt says constipation can be late Lyme effect .. which i had briefly in the mid eighties ...

Cut out all fats more rigorously?
i still do full power raw milk .... and black cumin oil .. but i have the seeds also ....

up the fulvine dosage?
 ... i have ag supplies sourced it ... 60x cheaper than the drugstore route ...........

Friday, October 13, 2023

Crise Palestina | conv. SyrianGirl | Observatório Multi...

Sunday, October 01, 2023

hibrow WEFWHObro Delta intrugue

Scatter Douse Life

Splatter House Five

George Webb - Investigative Journalist (Official Osprey Fanpage)
George’ Webb Task Force Orange Journal

I have written four books on the Erasmus Lab and I went there last year to interview whistleblowers for a week and work with Andere Krant in Amsterdam. Here is a summary.

Erasmus Blood On The Floor Connects All The Deep State Mates
 When I wrote the book, “Deep State Mate” about Henry Kissinger’s tutelage of World Exonomic Forum, Director Klaus Schwab, it was about putting class Schwab into the Generalship of low intensity warfare against any resistance to world government.

 Schwab was to be used as the hammer to “Whack-A-Mole” any resistance to the European Union, NATO, or a world government agenda. I expand it on these ideas in a further book about how specifically the Virus Vaccine game was to be used by Klaus Schwab, to achieve the objecting, and affect using viruses and vaccines as a form of low intensity warfare.
George Webb’s Task Force Orange Journal is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
 A great deal of additional research and investigation brought me to the main spearhead of this virus vaccine game in Europe - Erasmus lab in Rotterdam Holland, a program, primarily financed by Royal Dutch Shell, and indirectly by the Royal Dutch family itself. This research led to yet another book called

 “Royal Dutch Virus”.

 And finally, I wrote a book about the Erasmus lab itself called

 “Spray It In Dutch”,

 a lab I have been following since the fall of 2019 in a suspected release of the influenza virus in a great reset type of live exercise, complete with the Erasmus Lab’s illegal gain of function work and the unbelievably irresponsible resurrection of the 1918 deadly Spanish flu.

 This set of four bookLETs was finally capped off by my tour through Europe in the spring and summer of 2022 when I could finally travel again, when Covid restrictions are lifted.

 So when the recent Erasmus lab murders inright after and during the visit of Klaus Schwab to meet with the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, I was immediately suspicious. But when I heard the Dutch Health Minister, Ernst Kuipers, had also signed Klaus Schwab‘s WEF, Global Health Pact during the Erasmus shooting, I began to investigate. Kuipers signed away a great deal of Dutch health sovereignty with us Schwab‘s WEF, Global Health Pact, and the timing of the shooting was just too coincidental for me.

Still more incredibly, Klaus Schwab had used the Erasmus Lab the Boston Consulting Group Remdesivir and mRNA vaccines in the United States. In Schwab’s book, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, Schwab had tried to sell Smart Hospitals with AI doctors and nurses.

The CEO of Boston Consulting Group Christoph Schweizer, was prominently featured at the WEF meeting at the outbreak of coronavirus in Davos 2020, pitching Schwabs Smart Hospitals.
 BCG’s Schweizer pitched Schwab’s previous books about the fourth industrial revolution and his coming book, “The Great Reset”.

 The Boston consulting group would go on to feature Erasmus lab as the model AI hospital in their book the “Patient Priority”.
 Josh Kellar of BCG would devate a whole chapter to the Erasmus Lab as a model of the new Smart Hospital system. Later, Kellar would write the whitepaper with Jordon Walker of James O’Keefe fame, that gave us Remdesivir as the Standard of care and DARPA mRNA vaccine.
 Jordan Walker seem to be hired as a consultant to distance call Schwab, the WEF, from instituting Remdesivir and DARPA mRNA vaccines as the standard of care in hospitals around the world.
 Jordan Walker’s boss, Shuang Sarah Wu, also a consultant for McKenzie, also wrote two white papers, Lightspeed 1 and Lightspeed 2, inculcating DARPA mRNA, not only into all of Pfizer’s vaccine products, but also the cancer therapeutic areas the traditional cash cow of Pfizer.
 Shuang Sarah Wu’s employment as a DARPA AI scientist with her patents in 2013 for weak voice AI and her patents for air conditioning systems for US hospital systems in 2018 seem to indicate that she was being re-purposed conveniently to hide the true source of the DARPA mRNA vaccines.

Erasmus Blood On The Floor Connects All The Deep State Mates
Erasmus Killer Connects Kissinger, Royal Dutch Family, Klaus Schwab, And The Erasmus Lab
 I saw all the effort in direct action by Dutch farmers during the summer of 2023 and the previous summer, all evaporating in one mass formation psychosis school shooting scenario.

The entire mosaic appeared to be a cast of characters brought together to create a false narrative of a situation, using mass formation, psychosis and panic to create knee-jerk acceptance of forgone conclusions. I created a term in 2017 to describe the situation of mass formation psychosis with a knee-jerk acceptance of preformed decisions called “a school play”.

:::capitalized words by Piet :::::::::::
I hope this gives people some idea of my skepticism of the unbelievable circumstances of the Erasmus Lab shooting in the S::H::O::C::K::I::N::G number of intrusions, not to say ATTACKS on Dutch and European health sovereignty --[Piet: mitigated by the pitiful remainder actually left of that diabolically worshipped [turned intoa voodoolike, handpuppeted and pHARMafiyalogically reprehensentienced spectre of it's waived self]-- that occurred at the same time. Return here for links to all of my books found her on Substack, which are referred to above.

May 2020 - May 2022
George Webb’s Task Force Orange Journal is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Erasmus Blood On The Floor Connects All The Deep State Mates
Erasmus Killer Connects Kissinger, Royal Dutch Family, Klaus Schwab, And The Erasmus Lab

On last nite's update w Peter Duke [3xweekly] GW asserts that our 'all entitlements and then some' heir / go between / intriguelant / scapegoat poster child soon to be spiritied out of haramswaymannequin did not just mess with rabbis .. i mean rabbibids ... i mean rabbitbitebits.

And i don't mean fairly talltale animal character stuffed parables. final thing thus far this morn: //Piet

Artificial wombs do have another use I did not mention - testing HPV cancer vaccine. Erasmus has an mRNA cancer vaccine project with HPV (and HeLa cells, back to HeLa cells). BioNTECH was the interested investor through Jurgen Damen. We shall see.
Ok, we nailed the real killer, now here comes the Klaus coverup.




 i got a moment for an encore:

hrw adds truthtwist and spams all adherents ... privs and priorizeez of duh farce mulipliers ... who else immediately thinks of Assad's Assgas attacks cause he couldn't but help himself  to #warz4iz #wars4israel .kin tribe uzion perks? WHO can? Can HRW?

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 The Russian POW wasn’t stupid enough to entrap himself in an underground bunker with limited food & medical supplies for several months, while holding civilian hostages.

Also, where are the photos of all the RU POW’s you tortured and killed? @DefenceU
Sep 29
Russian POW compared to Ukrainian Azovstal defender in Russian captivity.
Readers added context
1730 Ukrainians surrendered from the Azovstal steelworks in May 2022 after three months of fighting in Mariupol. There were many injured soldiers. They became Russian POW's. The POW in the photo has been mistreated and suffering from starvation violating the Geneva Conventions.…
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9:24 PM · Sep 29, 2023
Piety Piet duh Pious Poet

Piety Piet duh Pious Poet
hrw adds truthtwist and spams all adherents ... privs and priorizeez of duh farce mulipliers ... who else immediately thinks of Assad's Assgas attacks cause he couldn't but help himself  to #warz4iz #wars4israel .kin tribe uzion perks? WHO can? Can HRW?
World Chairman 👑
Sep 29
Who is this dude on the right side
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Sep 29
Does Jackson love America or Russia more?

I can't ever tell 🤔
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Daniele 🇺🇦
Sep 29
Lead is poisoning and even more when coated with copper.
World Chairman 👑
Sep 29
Damn 😵‍💫
World Chairman 👑
Sep 29
Tehmoor khan
Sep 29
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Jack ██████
Sep 29
The Siege of Mariupol was more than a year ago genius.
Princess Elisabeth🇺🇦 ❤️ Prince Rens
Sep 29
Oh is St. Peter going to have fun with you at the pearly gates Pinocchio.
Sep 29
Hmm 🤔 this life
K Jackson
Sep 29
Russian POWs were always treated well by Ukraine
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Sep 30
You're getting violated by community notes worse than your fiance is violated by Arab princes...
Tehmoor khan
Sep 29
Why Zelensky take a money from biden to destroy russia
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Maksym Borodin
Sep 29
Mariupol citizen and Russian POW. Before the capture and after. Ordinary Russian Nazism.
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Sep 29
No way he would be in that state, after what? A few months?
Sep 29
Who is this man?
Sep 29
Lord Bebo
Sep 29
🇺🇦‼️ The Babi Yar massacre happened during September 29-30 in 1941.

With the Yaroslav Hunka incident, everybody should watch this survivor story. To understand what such Ukrainian volunteers were doing during WW2.
Embedded video

ps: i could have added #Wars4Kommisarz ... Sars? Mers? Mertsj? Merz ConVidz CanZeurz Curse--Kakkers and DevilGeneCuckurz
