Wednesday, February 05, 2025

jaimie on yt Homesteaders???

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Max Blumenthal: British Operative COLLABORATED With Israel For Censorshi...

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Ryan Dawson : LIVE from South Korea
 Ryan Dawson : LIVE from South Korea
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom
494K subscribers --- 22604 views / 2 hours ago
Ryan Dawson :  LIVE from South Korea
i just love how the judge puts the word 'peace' over an eagle ... based

Friday, September 13, 2024

TrumParaidoXiCull HenFoxPlex or .. PigMusigck


14/09 ------- 4Moon ---- -- k69 ---- 23/02: {lot} - 27/08: {ctc}
josh .. crash at sermon length -5 .. jumpin back in 1h33 .. funny enuff that's the bossman segment ..

early memories:
holiday to france at around 6, visiting both casino and cathedral; parents competing to see who would let me experience both my own way unmolestedly ....
.. it took a couple of decades at least for me to grapple with gambling ... learnt from none other than Caillois the mineral collector / 'ludensia' theorist .. i developed an intellectual aversion to asians, jews and games of chance right there .. specially cause i was immersed in studying Beckerath .. the ultimate 'veilig en sekuur' guy [no not 'auctionable and precise' but close]
auto-choke out crept up when someone leveralifted 'greppel naar dijk' [ditchlet to dyke] ... scaled also already problematic irrigation [ratio griddin n catty grins; masssociety stackage and inseczioation done set out tward sof T ruin Coommienoose'm]

3 hours ago

The assortment of people who've been in the Trump sphere over time is odd as hell. tfw you invite Kanye West over for dinner and he brings along Milo and walking-funny Fuentes, who are now trying to have a totally heteronormative "beard" competition. The next day a bunch of bloggers like Styx Imholte are sweeping it up. Biden finally deciding to buy a hat for his hat isn't even in the top 10. LOOMED, etc. Still, he persisted.

Re: TrumParaidoXiCull HenFoxPlex or .. PigMusigck ...
jjesuss con sorted dem tempty demon out from desert to shore .. healed w clay to hit duh precious ore up da yinyan ... epochs eventually but the link is more immediate .. speakin of ... 'voidisyinyan' [Drew Hempel] is one of those repertoire perfecting artists .. wordcraft after autistication via vaccines ... which he never mentioned again after the noughties btw .. via vax .. and piano .. classical ... goin rebelpunk wanderstudent before returning to care for mommie ... check the parallels .. i was on a few of the periodically deleted blogs of his [and he 'woikin on his name at rigorousintution, a large thread blog {always ended up there instead of forums btw} among others] with the best name: mothershiplanding [if you had only one period, would you positzion before or after that slippie s chat?] .... anyways, he spergs 24/7 about lockleg lotus to distill mystery juices and forge alchem pill [delicately prone to poppin], iow, about sexpreszion distilleries followin taoism and pinnin western term on those ancient metaphors .. but his one leg in digital academia isn't threadworthy at kiwifarms ... like i said ... it's a mystery chat .. sexwootaboo weighs weightily tsjhat ..[too heavy for the screendamage phats under hats .. 'onder 1 hoedje' might yield funny images .. jussuposin scatophobe chat ... seriously .. yall sedentarians are guaranteed to develop constipation probs sooner than later .. it sneaks up on you as easily as glyphosate reaches u air n rain born CHAT] .. cause yall incellexpurts but he sure is more interestingly mysterious than josh knowledge of stuckpigs [vocaliza{ ver}zion{ overlay}z in follow up [of this 1h9m seg] will be appreciated by the likes of i for one.
Faulty jesus copies choke earth all the way out to cold saturnian hell eventually chat .. before that we get Bethlehem containing double cone band w planet snap in DStarSequence lucky every 4 ice ages [source chipslabbed chat, some hawaiian hippie is all i remember now].
VERY upsetting .. hun'in for that ref in one after the other of collection pdf .. i fail to churn it up .. the url had the word boy in it pretty sure but my browser history is in irreparable tatters .. except maybe for the extreme metadata exspurgt

did find an early ref to [glyphosate, cause of] my illness .. in the 'disowned!!!! dumped in the nile!!!! mode and form/frame that guaranteed my poison left to move me towards hell in 'peace':

You are not just NOT assimilated and selfsame with your own
heritage EITHER!! ... but rather over-, supra- ultra- and/or intra-
assimilees (and your cultural values asimilar) to - overrun and
occupied by - desert memes which displaced your close to
home cultural set and setting from a huge distance and
timeframe constellation away (worked like an offside trapsnap),
yet you 'riteasies' scold the natural born to them for overtaking
and metastatizing what they baited, triggered and trapped into
you and you into in the the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So who exactly is the aryan identitarian [tit denting & poisonin ..
would you like some glyphosate in your mommie milk, sons of
You cannot be white on red ground properly, nor black for that
matter. You and that Frawley missie have some un'liftable'
cases of stockholm syndrome.
i usually listen to you all the way thru but this time ... impossible
page 1019 of 1082 .. of 'happy nazionalism jewIDeyots'
.. finally, after a well over half hour search; the last 4th of notes from 20 11 2011 in 'Notes2ValumVotan and adjacent 2009-2014': .. that's aloha boy

the first few google images clicks (had to turn off the .. 'pimp' which sports a firefox-like logo but had all
sorts of processage ruining facebook code, first) do not bring up that site which brings out the supine
human anthropomorh aspects of that building brought out ... so who's not being honest about modelment
i wonder?

The first heartbeat of
11/10/08 20:11
same but with dimmer tones .. obviously

a roswell rock that had golden mean .. and a croppie just like it? Straight from the department of head
fuckers obviously
yeah, we can use another fake and colourful 'meshcrean', why not?
great way to go here, cause mr merrick uses a single image per page
"note the human shape" caption to very bare line drawing

take my latest grinding ideas (huge rock spun on huge rock)
the art of mister Slovak
and this doubling of spin:
i hate the hiate and aint happy again till i can say i eight the perspective

Loudermilk 12x

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

i scold ashley

u fukked up this time ... very woke of u to idpol ur way thru i don't wanna live in ur world where rock predates [upon] water and/or vica versa ... even if you have some sorta slipshine to show for it ....... turn me back on again please. Ps: you gonna review my work or what ? Or was this it?

AF w
u fukked up this time ... very woke of u to idpol ur way thru
no wanna live in ur world where rock predates [upon] water and/or vv ... even if u have some sorta slipshine to show for it ....... turn me back on. Ps: review my work yet? Or was this it?

0 seconds ago
u fukked up this time ... very woke of u to idpol ur way thru
i don't wanna live in ur world where rock predates [upon] water and/or vica versa ... even if you have some sorta slipshine to show for it ....... turn me back on again please. Ps: you gonna review my work or what ? Or was this it?

 Secrets, Murderers, Cults and...Influencers?? With Andrew Gold
Dr Ashley Frawley ---- 2.86K subscribers ----- Jun 4, 2024  #heretics #mirandawilking #wilkingsisters
Andrew is a "fallen BBC journalist", filmmaker and multi-linguist. He's the host of the award-winning podcast Heretics and the author of a new book, The Psychology of Secrets: My Adventures with Murderers, Cults and Influencers. We discuss the role that secrets play in keeping people controlled, or conversely, how revealing them can be freeing. On the flip side, we ask the question, can a culture of "openness" be just as controlling?

For part 2 visit

Listen wherever you get your podcasts, search: "BasedAF"

Twitter/X, Insta: @AshleyAFrawley

Monday, March 11, 2024

2008 ashpondspill cleanup moronation

 Toxic Exposure, Legal Remedies - Winning Very Large Cases.
Todd Boyle ---- 5.94K subscribers ------ 17 views  Mar 10, 2024
Toxic Exposure, Medical Harm, and Legal Remedy in the
context of the TVA Kingston Coal Ash Spill, the largest
industrial spill in United States history

Panelists: Louis W. Ringger, III, Angela Hind, M.D., Norman Kleiman, PhD

March 3, 2024
PIELC 2024  -  The Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
University of Oregon law school  -  Eugene, OR

The Tennessee Valley Authority/Jacobs’ Engineering Kingston Coal Ash spill was one of the largest environmental and industrial disasters in United States history. On December 22, 2008, a coal ash pond holding decades of industrial waste ruptured, releasing over 1 billion gallons of coal ash into the surrounding community. The spill and consequent litigation received significant international press, and this summer resulted in an unprecedented settlement as compensation for the deleterious health effects suffered by the clean up workers as a result of their unprotected exposure to the coal ash. The prolonged case took 10 years and is a powerful demonstration of the following:

1. The importance and power of the formation of community around unjust medical harm by corporations. The community that formed amongst the clean up workers and their families was instrumental and inspiring, and it swayed public opinion and influenced case outcome. The case could not have been won without the passion, persistence, and cohesiveness of the hundreds of workers and their families.

2. The plausibility of legal recourse for non specific health injuries related to specific chronic toxin exposures.

3. The undeniability and strength that partnership between lawyers and leading medical toxin researchers brings to cases involving exposure, causation, and medical harm.

4. The value of legal cases to compel EPA to address the health risks of unregulated and emerging toxins. Prior to this case coal ash was classified as nuisance dust with no recognition of its extreme toxicity. The 221 worker plaintiffs many of whom worked 12 hours, 7 days per week, for over 5 years were denied even the most basic protective equipment and thus were exposed unnecessarily to the toxic components of coal fly ash. In 2013, after so many of them had become sick and seen their health ruined , dozens of workers filed suit against the TVA contractor, Jacobs’ Engineering, who was responsible for safety oversight. Hundreds of other workers joined the lawsuit in the ensuing years. In 2018, a jury ruled in the first phase of the two phase federal trial that Jacobs’ actions could have caused a long list of specific diseases due to the constituent toxins in coal ash. These included coronary artery disease, leukemia, COPD, asthma, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, lung cancer, and skin cancer. In the second phase, plaintiffs had to establish specific causation and extend the conclusion that the workers’ exposure to coal ash "could have caused" their conditions or "did cause" them. Our law firm, assisted by Dr. Angela Hind, assembled a team of scientific experts to establish the causal relationship between coal ash exposure and the specific medical conditions present among the individual workers, including leukemia, lung cancer, cardiorespiratory conditions, neurological conditions, skin conditions, and other ailments. This team of experts included the following: 1. Elizabeth Ward, PhD, Epidemiologist and Chair of the World Trade Center Science Advisory Committee 2. Dr. Sanjay Rajagopalan, Director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute at Case Western Reserve University. 3. Dr. Carrie Redlich, Director of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program at Yale University School of Medicine. 4. Joseph Graziano, PhD, Senior Professor of Environmental Health Science at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health 5. Dr. Francis Arena, Clinical Professor at the NYU School of Medicine, and Medical Director at NYU Langone Arena Oncology 6. Dr. Raajit Rampal, MD, PhD, Clinical Director of the Leukemia Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 7. Ola Landgren, MD, PhD, Chief research, Myeloma Division, University of Miami Medical School Dr. Hind and I, along with one or more of the experts listed above, will discuss how this team was established, and how subsequently the team worked in concert to develop a cohesive scientific and medical case for coal ash toxicity and medical harm among the cohort of workers. We will discuss how community organizing among these hundreds of local workers and their families was an integral aspect of our approach. This community swayed public opinion, documented compelling patterns of disease among the workers, and worked tirelessly with reporters. Finally, we will discuss the profound injustice inherent in the destruction of a person’s health when corporations are negligent with toxin disposal and clean up, especially in impoverished areas such was the case in Kinston, TN


"dangerous just by the fineness of the particulate matter"

No NO no NooohhhohohhhhHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is classic baby bathwater paranoia
it's like saying men above a certain age are by definition suspect if they happen to be deadly jealousy 'provoking' kidmagnets ...

the fineness is an asset and feature ... a treasure in fact ... BUT it's exceedingly important to keep it down/wet and let the micro workers sort it out  ... they will and thrive doin so ....

same goes for many such substances .. the 'waste' of steel making .. etc ...

this brand of paranoia caused a dutch 'whistle blower bunch' to help a panic along, sparked by idiotic untidyness ['zwerfvuil'] which caused a HUUUUGE MOUNTAIN of extremely valuable stuff .... god's own money in fact in fact, if you look into this little 'matter of concern[unnos and associated]' long enuff, to be demonized

... such as our topsi turvee world will be able to keep up thru 2025 tops .. and by no means necessarily ... if we wise up .. by the necessity i urge u to become adept recognizing .. easily done while my tracks are still warm ... i'm still open to questions

 still inspire people and must keep distancing myself from those who try to realize lots of delicate stuff from a distance, iow, NOT under guidance of those who 'spilled' a hint and incling or too that got them inspired in the first place ...

... crediting ... really hard if you never saw the point of that being routine staple to NOT lose threads worth following instead of breakin n rippin n tearin at them, into them and worse .....

Friday, February 23, 2024

A steep 2aards de rite literite

24/02 ------------- 10Hand ------ k127 ---- 18/07: {lot} - 28/02: {ctc}
no doubt like mine .. but i too 'circled' the noncirclers and discirclers with anonymity [except for the ones operating in the open cause they have impunity no matter what truths we surround them with#].

08? is that when the wave of secession favoring began in scotland?
had it worked we might not have had to suffer seeing BorisJ go bribe Z into just carryin on bombing Donbasians and begin to dump serious and seriouser amounts of western sell by date approaching bombs in order to continue doing so ... seeing the usual source of 'his' nation's supply, 'eastern ukraine', was also it's destination!!! talk about 'vagaries of circularity.

The receivers / targets, .. the 'redeemers' not foreseeing they would 'boomerang' in the worst way possible .. thru the air ... and land with a bang, not delivered to disassemble as carefully as constructed but as a statement of 'or else' ownership and domination, ...... all carefully timed to serve as overture to doin this with a few more registers and gears engaged in that sibling occupation known as .... ??? any guesses ????????

....... Palestine ... even the names overlap, as this contest concerns the Pale, an area the second most popular Russian is said to have said he was gonna confine the kommisarites in and to about.

you'll have to use your psygel || spiegel = mirror in dutch, psiegel a wordplay that does not translate without saying, but if you do it right

.. you will find neat watertite overlap w jews being 'forced' / left w nuthin but .... you guessed it ... in-, ob-, re-, trans-, sub- and most of all, PERversions of truth.

But Russkis and Ukies still fall for it all, literally [like redskins almost, ... soooo easy to soften of w spirits and polarize w muscle / bullets, presto, voila, circling 'vicioused'] .. and consequently, are dying over, .. 'rite' alongside Palestinians

Paleans .. Palestinians ... have we any clot and hard heartshort reports from the sinosphere?

i certainly urged Xi and Putin to temporarily rescue Palis from harm's reach to go build a few bio veda shtettlements [noo 'rite' of return!!!] and spoil BigPHarmGameShtickStackery into such a bargain ... but i am afraid these leaders aren't as larpfree as they larp to be [free]. Or perhaps i vastly overestimate the appeal of my 'rebrics RuBriX'.

bout dem bombs to bio transitioning blackberries ...
The ResetCabal makes best use of bombs known to them and the penetration of transparancy is already strong enuff that it has become relatively easy and cheap to show they know ...
.... how to sow sow sow ..... hormone disruptors that ease the transition to GMO and all them family homestead autonomy destroyin labcoatcreepproddickducts ...

# = other than a spacious and hermetic enuff wall for them and their descendants to 'cure out' [uiitzieken in dutch]. I'd prefer sterilization for proven perps and observation even for those of their descendants who left duh familyline gorechorebusiness and haven't comitted those types of crimes, spun up since WWII and goin for all out ... or all in no out also these dazy dayz .. but in the perv cringe dank abject way spoilin broths w pushy button 'control' armies [sans re- ou seduction].

fazit / ergo / conclusione
anyway, anonymize and nothin happens ... or ...

 go the George Webb route, focus on the hi up secure ones .. thus far seemingly in vain, .. too busy w their 'vie, manouver, whoremouth n jostle for posish in that most expensive and most evil of coffins [the MafiyaCabal variously known and nameshifted for centuries {Kommisars, bookended by Naz n Bol, fused into zios, emigrated and returned as NATO}, carryin their secret keepin networker and brandmarker of shame n blame, bill and biocide drill, the blackberry, every one of them the equivalent of all pre-digital nuke bombs thus far, including each test, on their 'person'

Smotherin comfort never ended no delusoryite [delusoriac?] goins on n on n on anon .. nor any name n famestealin neither .. so

make mockery love potion number 9 and here's hopin you'll take a break from yar woes and sing it for us ....