Thursday, August 04, 2005

serious 'repercrushions' of last night's post

. . .actually, I am not quite sure if they cite the WC file on google only since yesterday and even less clear about why exactly that one .. .. .

'vadercats' gets 694 hits on the 4th of august 2005 -- funny enough, the ones listed that were at the lycos domain are these:

seconden - 9k -- yeah, right!!! that is a 170K linkfilled file thank you very much; I am afraid it's too fresh for the retrieval trick so will have to wait till I situate meself another site some place (I'd like plenny of shade to along with it so I can maintain it in style).

(e)co-operatief capitalisme naar een 10 tal onderwerpen waarvan een gedeelte by tripod; - 66k - In cache - Gelijkwaardige pagina's --- ah at least the cache works here .. ..

coming up soon: posts that quote Ulrich von Beckerath, Julius Hensel and the most modest man with an incurable case of rocks to crush: John Hamaker.

ps: yall start posting now!!! .. .. . no congestion/delay at all .. .hardly (though real bad just the other day); I mentioned its recurrence (in additions to my oldest/front page: since I started trying out blogger . .. .oh .. . . slightly over a year ago.


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