Tuesday, June 30, 2020

McDuff and Webb Special! George Webb joins me at 11am

The Beltway Report


What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Connections Btw ‘Arab Spring’ & BLM Movement


Lawrence David


June 22, 2020






Opinion| Lawrence David| The World Marxist playbook… and the Democratic Party’s playbook, but I repeat myself… has been in effect for so long that every old strategy is eventually repackaged to become new again to young college indoctrinated minds of much.

(Sundance @ The Conservative Treehouse opined) It’s an interesting comparison to note.  The ideological interests behind the 2010 “Arab Spring” uprising are the exact same ideological interests behind the 2020 “Black Lives Matter” protests/uprising.  Not merely similar people, but the exact same people.

The exact same group of U.S. people who were promoting the mid-east Arab Spring in 2010 are the same people now promoting the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.   The same politicians; the same media voices; the same newspapers; the same social media activists. Almost every participant, and their support for the uprising ’10 -vs- ’20 is identical.

In the background of the Arab Spring, the root control organization was The Muslim Brotherhood.  Considering all of the connective similarities; and considering the U.S. advocates for the brotherhood are the same voices advocating for BLM; does it not stand to reason the BLM movement is an extension of the same overarching ideology.

It is not an esoteric intellectual exercise to compare the two movements because we’re not only talking about a similar level of protest, we’re seeing an identical set of actions in both groups.  Not only are the advocates the same voices; but their purposeful action, the behavior to remove and destroy common cultural connection/heritage is the same.

The Brotherhood is essentially the umbrella organization for a multitude of Islamic factions.  In essence, the Muslim Brotherhood represents political Islam. Similarly if you look at the structure of Black Lives Matter they too represent an umbrella-type structure for a network of individual political grievance groups.  Both groups represent a cultural revolution by the results of their activity. (Go Deep)

My view: This has been in Obama’s plans since at least his second term.  In the summer of 2016 we warned the current civil war was coming:

The catalyst for foisting this on the American people is the Black Lives Matter movement and one of their more militant arms, the New Black Panther Party.  This is all to be done in the name of social justice.

I believe the plan to employ racial discord was developed by Obama with the assistance of Valerie Jarrett in meetings with these groups at the White House almost a year ago.  As reported by Breitbart.com in February of this year the president praised the work of Black Lives Matter activists.

Initial funding of BLM was furnished by George Soros to underwrite the Ferguson and Baltimore riots.  Almost immediately after the White House meeting in the fourth quarter of 2015, Obama’s most stridently liberal billionaire backers joined George Soros in funding this racist, divisive and terrorist group (group, not  everyone in the movement.)  This was reported in detail by Politico.

Steve Phillips of the radically leftist Democracy Alliance explained that the movement needed cash to build a self-sustaining infrastructure and that “the progressive donor world should be adding zeros to their contributions that support this transformative movement.”

According the article in Politico, “The Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by a handful of major donors, including billionaire financier George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay to build a permanent infrastructure to advance liberal ideas and causes. Donors are required to donate at least $200,000 a year to recommended groups, and their combined donations to those groups now total more than $500 million.”

Obama had also seems to looking the other way during the use of terrorist tactics against the people of Ferguson and Baltimore.

Now remember Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordering her police to stand down during a riot in the Spring of 2016 in what was a trial run for the rioting, property damage, looting, physical assaults, and arson we’re watching deep blue city mayors doing across the country.

Rawlings-Blake served as one of only three mayors on President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

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Secrets of the Soviet Disease Warfare Program

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Of humanity's many noteworthy achievements and inventions, few are as evil and as horrifying as biological warfare: deliberate, government-ordered mass killing of people with lethal diseases.


During the Second World War, the Japanese army maintained a secret biological warfare testing program, as did the United States during the 1950s and 1960s. In 1969 President Nixon renounced the use of such weapons, and the US dismantled its extensive biological warfare operation, thereafter restricting research to defensive measures such as immunization.

But as a remarkable new book lays out in grim detail, no regime made greater "progress" in biological warfare than did the Soviet Union. From a unique insider's perspective, a former high-level scientist in the Soviet biological warfare program tells the story in Biohazard: The Chilling Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World (Random House, 1999). Ken Alibek (born Kanatjan Alibekov) joined the Soviet "Biopreparat" program in 1975, and was its first deputy chief from 1988 to 1992, when he defected to the United States.

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During the terrible Russian civil war of 1917-1921, in which the fledgling Soviet regime defeated the dispersed and divided anti-Communist "White" forces, as many as ten million people lost their lives. Most of these deaths came not in combat, but instead were caused by famine and disease -- especially typhus.

Conscious of this, the revolutionary Soviet government early on put a high priority on diseases as a method of warfare. In 1928 it issued a secret decree ordering the development of typhus as a battlefield weapon. In the decades that followed, the USSR built and maintained a wide-ranging biological warfare program. For example, Alibek relates, Soviet scientists developed a sophisticated plague warfare capability, and an arsenal in Kirov (now Vyatka) stored 20 tons of plague aerosol weaponry (p. 166).

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Wartime Use Against Germans

While he was a graduate student at the Tomsk Medical Institute (1973-75), Alibek studied Soviet wartime medical records that strongly suggested that the Red Army had used tularemia as a weapon against German troops outside Stalingrad in 1942 (pages 29-31). Tularemia is a highly infectious disease that produces debilitating headaches, nausea and high fevers. If untreated, it can be lethal. It is also hard to extinguish, which makes it attractive to anyone trying to produce biological weapons.

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Alibek discovered that the "first victims of tularemia were German panzer troops, who fell ill in such large numbers during the late summer of 1942 that the Nazi campaign in southern Russia ground to a temporary halt." In addition, he relates, thousands of Russian soldiers and civilians living in the Volga region came down with the disease within a week of the initial German outbreak. Never before had there been such a widespread outbreak of the disease in Russia.

Why had so many men first fallen sick with tularemia on the German side only? Furthermore, 70 percent of the Germans infected came down with a pneumonic form of the disease, which (Alibek reports) "could only have been caused by purposeful dissemination."

Whereas there were ten thousand cases of tularemia reported in the Soviet Union in 1941, in the year 1942 -- when the battle of Stalingrad was at its height -- the number of cases soared to more than one hundred thousand. Then, in 1943, the incidence of the disease returned to ten thousand. The battle for Stalingrad raged from September 1942 until February 2, 1943, when Friedrich von Paulus, commander of the German Sixth Army, surrendered along with 91,000 officers and men (of whom only 6,000 survived Soviet captivity).

Alibek became convinced that "Soviet troops must have sprayed tularemia at the Germans. A sudden change in the direction of the wind, or contaminated rodents passing through the lines, had infected our soldiers and the disease had then spread through the region."

To his professor, a Soviet colonel named Aksyonenko, he explained that the evidence he had found "suggests that this epidemic was caused intentionally." Aksyonenko responded with a stern warning: "Please. I want you to do me a favor and forget you ever said what you just said. I will forget it, too ... Never mention to anyone else what you just told me."

Some years later, an elderly Soviet lieutenant colonel who had worked during the war in the secret bacteriological weapons facility in Kirov told Alibek that a tularemia weapon had been developed there in 1941. He also left him "with no doubt that the weapon had been used." This same officer further suggested that an "outbreak of Q fever among German troops on leave in Crimea in 1943 was the result of another one of the [Soviet] biological warfare agents" (p. 36).

From The Journal of Historical Review, March/April 1999 (Vol. 18, No. 2), page 32.

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0:00 / 1:23:12



good morning everybody I'm John Oh

Lachlan and welcome to my channel and

this morning I'm really excited to have

a special edition of Macduff and Webb

George Webb welcome to Mystery Island

studio John it's great to be back I

thought you know so much breaking news

that we do it today and also we want to

make everybody sign up for a patch on

who's not signed up on your channel

thanks George here and yours too well

yeah okay Harry the Greek I see mark

Housatonic you'd be another person

support these great researchers because

this is how we bring you the real news

well you know what George I've actually

because I'm calling the last day of the

month patreon day just just to let

everybody know that this is the day that

if you wanted to just get in and get out

right if you wanted like drop five bucks

and then tomorrow take it away you could

do that today but tonight is the night

when they roll over so just so I'm doing

a show instead of tomorrow night it

because we thought way that's one day

too late so so and but I will be back on

Thursday with dr. Hamamoto and hopefully

Mary on Fridays dr. Yamamoto George we

have a trio going there and jumping

mouse asked me this morning did did I

want to go ahead and do that through

July sure and I said I absolutely do

let's make sure and talk to dr. Hamamoto

and see if if he's gonna be up for it

but I think he is so yeah anyway this

Thursday which is the night after

tomorrow George will be back here for

another of our Thursday trio

conversations with Professor Hammond

Motel yeah and if she wants to change it

to Tuesday morning and then Thursday

because that gets us a little news day

and there I would like to do that just

because I think there some people can't

make the night some people can't make

the morning so you know well I was gonna

do this show Tuesday through July on on

Tuesday morning rather than Wednesday

night because oh okay

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday is

four in a row for me that's right you

know I'd rather

mix it up a little bit and yeah women so

you must have finished your big

construction project I did okay so

that's that frees up the mornings now

well that's good cuz I think my brain

works better in the morning

me too thank you I'm all coffee'd up

ready to go I've been researching since

4:00 in the morning and a seashell

Thompson's here so that means we can

start okay and 74 n KH K is here thank

you for being here everybody and jumping

mouse if you're here let's make a note

to change George from Wednesday nights

to Tuesday mornings and I see Fisk Smith

or early up early out there in

California it was great and hey Frank

Frank Rizzo it's always great to have

you with us the great Frank Rizzo

unbelievable researcher indeed

absolutely yeah okay well um thank you

all very much and George um you

mentioned a couple of things that have

broken since we last talked let's turn

it over to you well I miss going to the

trials with you Macduff this whole Kovac

thing has broken our rhythm there but

one of the things we did was go to all

the Assange court hearings Assad used to

be the toast of the town here in DC and

all over the world for as far as

journalists go and now no one you can't

you know get you won't get a quarter

from anyone from on the street which is

the most amazing turnaround you've ever

seen in journalism but there's a big

case there's that they increased the

expanded the indictment in the in on

Wednesday last week in this southern

excuse me the Eastern District of

Virginia and they added a piece that we

had talked about in our show way back in

now all those are all my videos are

wiped out so all that evidence you know

it's hard to remember at all I'm going

on recollection but I tell you George

and when I think about what we've lost

with that I mean it's it's personal to

because we you and I put some really

personal stuff on there about about

Jenny and everything else so I imagine

somebody has archived these things for a

while and various people probably have

so somebody will put together a project

to to reconstruct your look at your butt

archive I have the videos so so don't

worry about that it's just kidding it's

just I don't have the youtube search

engine anymore and all the comments a

lot of gentle comments with all those

great reasons but okay that's good news

yeah and there's just been John

Kaplowitz and a whole bunch of other

people's sent that in but but the big

news is here

they've drug in we did such a good job I

truly believe this of shooting down the

case mm-hmm that the FBI had which is if

you don't remember the case you've been

to wreck your Vic

you know Airport oh yeah and there's a

meeting that Julian Assange has there

with this guy named Dom shite remember

the guy who burns the churches yeah Dom

site domscheit-berg n in German dome is

Cathedral in shite it was a couple of

meetings one of which is a little stack

of wood yeah which and then Notre Dame

burned not long after that yeah so so

he's he's he's going through the and

having this meeting about the you've

seen this collateral damage helicopter

video the gun camera video where

everybody gets killed and yeah and then

there was a sort of a me line Massacre

that's bad of course you source that

through Manning Manning right that they

had a release well it didn't know the

story should it might get lost go ahead

yeah they hadn't released it yet but but

then there was this other meal I that

sort of took place in Afghanistan and

they were showing all these photos do

you remember the Pizza Hut when you went

to the Reykjavik Airport no there was

not a Pizza Hut at the Rec you've it may

be you talking about the little airport

that for the internal flights not the

big international air this is the big

international so I don't remember well

things change you know that could have

been before I was there well if it's

Pizza Hut doesn't strike me as the kind

of restaurant you'd find in that Airport

to be honest with you it's a higher end

there yeah I don't know which restaurant

it is and and we dug in but anyway the

FBI and ends and NATO is it you can tell

throughout the indictment NATO is

running the operation because it says

NATO country one

country to NATO informant one NATO

informant which is something we said

which wasn't known before but they've

got the secret room and they're filming

Julian Assange and then they spill some

things like hey you're about ready to

have your whole operation shut down and

Iceland and oh by the way this Dom

shotgun you take this phone because

these guys from the State Department are

gonna be questioning me right so he

gives the phone where he's already got

an active conversation with Bradley

Manning who already has the State

Department documents of the war reports

I hear something but maybe that's me

it's probably me and turned it all the

way down it is me so so you got the

thing we're gonna have we're gonna hand

Julian the hot phone we're gonna say

Julian keep this conversation going if

you want the documents if you want the

video I gotta go talk to these State

Department guys you're you've now got

the hot phone you need to keep this

thing going keep this this informant on

the line here and so that's when they

try to get Julian to enter a new

conspiracy and we said that's what

happened and we said Julian Assange then

got on a plane to go over to Oslo and

then we even speculated on some of the


NATO people who might have been involved

in arranging this emergency for Julian

and then anyway

it was later confirmed our reporting was

later confirmed by an FBI agent

Katherine Henderson I believe her name

US so you got the picture that was the

indictment that was how they were gonna

after the 50 week sentence that Julian

Assange served just now and this is why

this is happening a year later I still

hear it there's a little bitty tiny echo

that you can ignore it it's only because

of the headphones okay that's nice so so

now the 50 weeks is up this is the

holding charge for not showing up for

bail so that's up now they need to keep

holding Assange so they need to rien

so they expand the indictment which is

is sort of duty dirty pool and they add

in to other things that we've done pre

work on if you remember when we went to

New York and we met with the gal who was

sort of leading the free

Jeremy Hammond mm-hmm effort with the

Stratfor leaks remember that yeah

meeting in this I remember her yeah

they're dragging him into it so Jeremy

Hammond for those who don't know was

saying hey there's this company in Texas

in Austin Texas so or maybe it's San

Antonio I think it's Austin

that's telegraphing these things like

Lydia they're telegraphing things like

Syria they're saying I think there will

be an insurgency by the such-and-such

group in three months and then Paul well

and gets on a plane and he goes and he

he's a subscriber Paul well and the guy

was in in Russia putting together all

these snipers he gets on a plane he's

using the Stratfor he got six

subscriptions to Stratfor he's using it

as a like a recruiting schedule this is

going out on Stratford George yes

because some of you probably are aware

of Stratfor but there was a man named

George Friedman yeah who organized this

site and I became aware of it about the

same time as as 2001 as as as we were

emerging from 9/11 and I was on the

internet looking for for sources a

person in my church had suggested I look

at Stratfor I later learned that that

person was in military intelligence so

then I started listening to the free

version of it and it was pretty

interesting pretty awesome but I never

did invest in though in the paid version

I guess I should have I could be a

billionaire by now well it's very

expensive if you want the paid version

the free version is more like you know

the spring would be a time for rain you

know fall it'll get cold but George

Friedman who is he

Friedman I think was one of the

investors and early founder types okay

kind of a frontman then yeah I don't

really think he's involved in this leak

okay but there was this next a long time

ago too

yeah this is ten years now but but

that's what's amazing about this whole

expanded indictment they're dragging

stuff how that happened ten years ago

uh-huh so it's not just a bradley

manning in the hot

phone we shot that down there only one

journalist in the world talked about the

hot phone and only one attorney and and

that's you and that's me

I like to ask the questions George you

the man but you went through the whole

you know well yeah well we were at that

trial over in Virginia a couple times

and uh you know I mean we had judge

brinkema and Rick come on yeah Brent

yeah Rankin

however you say it I'm sorry apologize

your honor but anyway you know she's

there at the national security docket

yeah and so what does that mean other

than spies are us you know we're good

know if you're a spy you're good don't

worry and she's the one who said the

John Kiriakou couldn't use any of the

admissions that they were setting up

John Curie occu like okay what I have a

whole bunch of sculpt Ettore information

here saying that they set me up but I

can't use that nope breakable says no

that's a different case but so she's a

hanging judge and anyway we went through

the whole mens rea uh you know if Julian

Assange is given a hot phone and

somebody gives a cryptic instruction

like keep this guy on the line and if

you remember Julian Assange wasn't

helping Bradley Manning get the

documents he had already had the

documents mm-hmm so he was saying you

know should I go back and get more as

Bradley Manning is asking and that he

cryptically responds a curious I in my

experience never dries you know things

like that you could just it's so Assange

asked that you know cryptic response so

anyway they have dropped that that whole

case they dropped that well it's still

in the case but they've moved now the

emphasis over to the Stratfor leaks the

whole domscheit-berg a per session with

the berlin computer club and this is the

the leak that involved the video the

video and then also the State Department

leaks and also the war reports for Iraq

and Afghanistan so we're going back what

four or five years 2011 March of 2011 so

it's almost 10 years now yeah I'm 90

yeah nine years so is there's no statute

no I guess there's not a statute of

limitation on the Espionage Act but yeah

but but the interesting piece of this is

this was the case this was Bradley

Manning well you know he's given this

stuff to Julian Assange he's Jimmy Asajj

helped Bradley Manning get this stuff

and hack the computer and you know at

the police so what do you mean when you

say they dropped this

well they didn't drop it they're

expanding it correct they didn't they

didn't drop it but it shows their case

was so weak because I really I mean it's

maybe they couldn't go forward with that

without additional charges correct why

because you you had it mens rea he

didn't have mens rea when he accepted

the phone right he didn't have you know

I know now I'm committing a crime right

I'm accepting a phone from a friend

who's being accosted in an airport and I

don't know who these agents are yeah

well any lawyer would've said the same

thing you said by saying whoa you know

where's that where's the evil mind you

know where's the the intent to break the

law and you you said bents ran there's

no mess right so the no intent in the

head to commit a crime and so now

they've added the Stratfor stuff now

obviously Stratfor is in Texas and

Julian Assange is in Iceland and Norway

so he's travelling around there had to

be a go-between there had to be a

go-between or at least there was a

go-between you know there's two


so one of them is a guy named siggy and

a lot of people call him sick E because

he say a person who WikiLeaks hired as a

volunteer I believe he was in Iceland

I could be wrong could have been in in

Norway but he managed you have to have

people manage the logs and the computers

and fire up the computers and backup the

computers and all that stuff the

administrator he managed the the

communications channel that Julian

Assange used to talk to people called

ICQ there's a chat app so he used he

managed the chat logs well I remember I

seek you memorize EQ I didn't use it but

I understood that there was such a thing

yeah yeah way back when

you're early UNIX days tool I see

killing girls with high cheap cheekbone

there you go ICQ or ICQ coming up with

another prediction but anyway so he

managed to chat logs little did Julie

Asajj know this guy was an informant


and he was managing the communications

channel between Jeremy Hammond and

Julian Assange in order to get the

Stratfor leaks there and get them

published okay somebody actually

physically has to take the files you

know and move them into a directory

structure on the WikiLeaks blah blah

blah and that's I siggy okay okay well

it turns out siggy has some problems too

he's been convicted of pedophilia or or

or recruiting minors into a sexes of

male minors into a sex trap type of

thing oh I remember this man yeah yeah

nasty man yeah not a good not a good guy

so so the prosecution is this is gonna

become the star witness siggy will be

the star widow my god this is gonna be

great for Macduff please fly Macduff

what let's oh wait wait he's gonna be in

Virginia have Macduff read him in Veatch

a hawk or hockey hack VJ how do the

house that Huglin is when I read you in

as a lawyer I can read you in Oh Pro pro

hockey a pro hockey VJ trionic Duffy had

pro hockey a because you're literally

taking someone who is a pedophile and

making them the star witness I cannot

believe they're doing this

well they don't ever have to have the

trial though now they bought more time

with these new charges right George yeah

but this is to extradite yeah the

decision was maybe made right now to to

extradite genocide so then the other guy

so this guy Stig he's going to testify

in the extradition hearing in Great

Britain he's gonna provide a deposition

already has provided deposition for the

extradition trial a deposition a

deposition yeah did Julian Assange was

he represented when this deposition was

taking no completely ex parte no I think

his attorney was there yeah Julian

Assange is 21

1/2 hours a day in a jail and they just

finally gave him a radio no that's what

I meant did he have an attorney there

yeah yeah yeah and I can't remember the

guys name and it's okay Sarah Harrison

though is the blonde female lawyer that

is also now she said you you're gonna

get a better deal something for the fact

you're gonna get a better deal in

England than you are in the United

States this is an attorney giving advice

to her client yeah and somehow that's a

violation of the law a conspiracy

I wonder what two federal districts he

would end up in if not the Eastern

District of Virginia

it's the Eastern District of Virginia so

so it really is not a good idea for him

to come here and submit himself to the

jurisdiction of the National Security

docket no I wouldn't I wouldn't think

that would be a good idea I would think

that might you know just enlarge it you

know make it permanent your current

status it's a horrible but George why

why are they so determined to keep the

poor man locked up incommunicado because

there are just these people who have

this especially the press in DC that

have this Trump derangement syndrome

that think Julian Assange some Hillary

Clinton you know and they still think

that Trump conspired with Hillary with

WikiLeaks to get the DNC leaks they said

they think that Trump conspired with

WikiLeaks to get the DC to get the DC

leaks the DNC leaks and problem to

WikiLeaks they still believe that so so

what we're looking at is it's a

continuation into the fourth year of his

presidency of Trump being unable to do

anything right I mean they this the

Roger stone going to jail is the same


yeah Roger stone is the back-channel to

WikiLeaks remember even though at the

trial they don't call any of the

witnesses that we're a part of the

channel it's like wow you know and of

course we were there you were there I

was there hey why don't you call some of

the people that were in the link of the

chain if you're trying to say this is

the chain yeah

and that also fell apart so that but

they want to have Roger stone go to jail

for optics you know so it's like oh that

must be it

WikiLeaks yeah you know and Trump use

Roger stone as the

back channel and WikiLeaks I just I

can't believe that there is a executive

department of this government that the

president cannot force to do something

about this yeah well the you know

obviously the judiciary is in control of

Weissman so they're doing it it's really

happening this is the weakest case I've

ever seen they went from a extremely

weak case with a hot phone yeah and no

man sreya to another almost totally

unrelated case let me so so getting back

to the question though what you're

saying is that there is no reason to

hold Julian Assange except for the

perception that needs to be sustained in

the media to the effect that Julian

Assange was I

assisting President Trump correct


there's nothing behind it it's just a

fiction and the reason that it's it that

they are now filing new charges is to

make sure that he remains incommunicado

for for the foreseeable future until the

elections over until the elections over

that's exactly right just just for

people who don't know the whole history

here there is a guy who real it was a

hacker and a recruiter a hacker

recruiter named Sabu for people who

remember these colorful characters who

really acted more like a pimp giving

money to young women and young boys to

be at these hacker conferences and try

to entangle these young miners in sexual

you know trysts and filming it the whole

thing this is a Sabu guy and he after he

finds out that Jeremy hanmin sends the

Stratfor leaks to WikiLeaks he says hey

you want us to target anything else you

know again try to enter into a

conspiracy try to lure him into a

conspiracy right and and Asajj says no


so then the this guy asked well you know

I don't understand isn't there anything

you want here you said well you should

go back through your files on the

Stratfor leaks and just look through

your director youssef files are probably

probably already there that is

supposedly entering into a conspiracy

saying you should look in your files you

should look in your files that are

probably already there uh-huh

now how is that an instruction that's

not giving somebody the back door into

Wyck windows and given how to you know

crack the windows hash administrator

hashed yeah the only the only theory

would be that the person did not know

that they were in their files already

until Julian told him yeah but the

person acted as a intermediary for

Jeremy Hammond since Jeremy Hannon had

been arrested let's go back and say and

tell us who is Jeremy Hammond why is he

involved and what's his motivation yeah

Jeremy Hammond I believe worked at a

company called either HBGary or he

worked at Stratfor itself but but they

directly had he had access to the email

backups and he had noticed that all

these overseas telegraphing of covert

actions was in Seeman seemingly embedded

in these Stratfor papers you know and

the conversations okay now we're back to

the sudden you know suddenly I mean he's

sending out a a prediction as to what

the next Black Swan event is going to be

yeah if you wanted a telegraph for

instance hey you know I think next month

the encrypted radios will be stolen from

the Marines in in Fallujah and they'll

be given to the Wagner group snipers and

who are training the ISIS and there'll

be a series of murders of intelligence

officers at the front gates of various

forward operating bases well that's so

specific it's an instant instruction

it's not a prediction

that's such a specific prediction that

it's it he started saying these are then

they happen though these guys aren't

predicting they're issuing orders this

is being used as a covert communications

channel these okay so so the it's a nod

and a wink when I say I think

something's gonna happen that's really

direction it says you shall make this

happen it's like being an NT fabric


I am making a prediction as a NT fabric

unloader that these bricks will go

through the Macy's window and keith

Ellison will be very happy you know in

about an hour and then you leave the

bricks Vic yeah you know so you get the

idea that this this jeremy hammond it's

kind of saying hey this something's not

rotten in denmark here this is this is

seems to be a back channel for dirty

tricks that the military is not

approving no chain of command here and

so that's why they want to crush jeremy

hammond so it's it's always the same

thing put all these things together so

they can crush all the whistleblowers

right and then keep their narrative

alive right and so Sabu the second star

witness is also a if there's if ciggies

a pedophile or a victim of of being in

young kids Sabu is the one who's

organizing and orchestrating these

meetings at these Kakkar conferences and

so Sabu is the second witness he's as

dirty if not dirtier than siggy so you

just can't believe the extent they'll go

to bend over backwards to protect their

informants no matter how trashy and

dirty it kind of reminds you of Michael

Cohen and Felix aider and the extent

that they'll try to trash the people who

actually trying to do to do the right


well George you certainly have exposed

this this scam this scam played upon

Julian Assange with the telephone in the

airport in Reykjavik it's a story that I

think as you have recognized yourself

kind of destroys the the the criminal

intent part of the allegations of crime

in that case so

now you've got the piling on of some

older charges and they're going to have

the same problem but they've got some

fact witnesses that they apparently

going to call and and both of them are

of severely blemished if not totally

discredited by their past yeah the all

the same stuff that we said it makes me

think that they destroyed all my notes

because of this trial because the there

was an operation that supposedly a

classified operation for the country of

Iceland NATO country one they call it

and I I can't remember the name of the

operation I thought it was ice pick


but it was this idea you sort of

conjures up what was the Trotsky ice

pick getting ice picked in Mexico City

you know that this was gonna be the ice

pick for Julian Assange and they were

trying to get Julian Assange to leave

Iceland which was gonna give him quarter

mmm and move him to a stronger NATO

country which was more in control of

Carl Bildt at NATO

which was which was Norway and this

can't police the guy who ends up going

missing that the programmer and all that

they halfway up in Norway they put it

all the servers in a fjord or near some

caves near fjord and that's some of them

WikiLeaks servers but they move him out

of Iceland and they in the rouse team

house and so that's the big operation

here and it's such an obvious NATO

operation and and everyone going to the

trial will go geez this is really bad

this is bad Kabuki theater but most

reporters won't even cover it they'll

just say Oh Assange bad hacker is even

worse now they've piled on more he a bad

bad you know they won't dig into the

fact well when do we get a voice when

when do we get to have a channel on the

on the on the big game you know when is

the actual opening up of our what

airwaves to the truth finally after what

60 years of Allen Dulles is Mighty

Wurlitzer Jenning out nonsense to

confuse us when do we get our own

channel I'm so glad

you asked it's gonna be the Macduff

moment here at pro hac each a with you

at the Eastern District of Virginia I

believe Sarah Harrison if does go to

trial I believe Sarah Harrison is gonna

come to the United States she is gonna

do discovery and she's gonna find out

about to fact witnesses that I would

like to talk to one of them is named

Trevor Fitzgibbon yeah who was the PR

person for Bradley Manning one of the

characters involved here also involved

for Julian Assange another character

involved here and a third person named

Edward Snowden another character

involved here it snowed and snowed so

that person's laptop went to all three

of those offices and was used whether

Trevor knew it or not as a backdoor to

the FBI

now there's another person that's a

person of interest named stain Eric's or

hog who owns the ability to threaten a

bomb at Trump Tower your camera there

yeah to be able to fake a bomb threat at

Trump Tower who knows what kind of

activities usually he was covering on

social media and not get trouble for it

the only person I know who could do that

would be a NATO operative who is running

an op at Trump Tower but we don't know

that to be true

but there's another person who was

flying back and forth between Norway

he's a member of NATO anonymous that's

there named in the indictment and

they're flying back and forth for one

hour meetings who flies back and forth

for one hour meeting between Oslo and

New York

I think stay narcs or hog might be a

fact witness again he's there at Trump

Tower never they were trying to get

Trump to agree to underwrite a hacking

mission for WikiLeaks and they wanted

$50,000 to be transferred and they were

gonna suggest that they used this server

that was in Trump Tower they wanted to

catch Trump right handed remember they

can't do a face so directly on the Trump

server and Trump communications they

have to have him sent it to somebody

who's already under investigation so

they could say oh we've already had

Julian Assange under invested

we were watching communications with him

and in and Wow there it is there's

$50,000 coming from a server at Trump

Tower that was the setup that was what

was supposed to happen with Roger stone

getting offered that that was supposed

to be the money Channel it never

happened so now I want to talk to the

people who were part of that operation

so I think they should come forward so

this is the the the beautiful thing John

here is just reading the news articles

and looking at things that don't make

any sense figuring out what's a NATO up

from modus operandi and past performance

and just saying hey let's ask some

questions let's ask some questions to

these people

Trevor Fitzgibbons not in jail he hasn't

done anything wrong he knows all these

people and stained Eric's or hog is in

New York the last time I looked with

Norway anonymous so Sarah Harrison if

you're out there might be a good person

to ask come to London for the

extradition hearing that sounds very

interesting Georgia excuse me but while

I'm my camera went dead on me I've been

trying to do a little tech behind the

scenes and excuse me for the hand

movements out in front but Wow well

that's Julian Assange you had another

big story to talk about today right

another NATO story does it seem like

NATO interferes in our election yeah

because it's called the liaison loophole

we can use foreign intelligence services

which is great because then we don't

have to have Isis right so the the

latest one is the replacement program

for our police departments

would it be great if we had a NATO plan

to replace all of our police wouldn't

that be awesome we could cash weapons

for 20 years and and we get rid of these

constitutionally abiding police

departments no I don't think I like that

George I like the Constitution a whole

lot actually if we lose our constitution

George we've we've lost everything but I

was just thinking if I was trying to

take over a country forces is where the

rubber meets the road right if I could

take over all the police departments it

really wouldn't

matter what the executive branch thought

at all if I wrote a plan called GTF

which was that plan to take over every

Police Department in a country and it

was successful in 188 different


I could be really super clever when I

did one for the United States and just

add one tea and call it JTTF and I could

go ahead and take all the money that was

suspend for anti-terrorism and shelter

it away from the police departments let

them see the toys every once in a while

but build up a paramilitary shadow

police force in 45 major cities in the

United States this is exactly what Imran

Awan and his spy ring was all about his

father working at Pakistani ordnance

factory shipping the weapons eyeing

surplus weapons from the from Russia

from the country of Ukraine working with

DHS working with Andrey Carson working

with Muslim Brotherhood these shadow

organizations these front organizations

to cash these weapons and now what we're

seeing happen remember we went there

three years ago to the shall Shabaab

towers and we predicted it what we're

seeing now is that process happening

right in front of our eyes in

Minneapolis New York Seattle and it will

happen in 45 different in cities in this

country legally are they ready have they

have they already got all the laws in

effect that they can actually invite

these NATO and UN sponsored troops into

our cities George know they're in May of

2016 the great hairy the Greek put out

all this information with documents we

signed something called the Calgary

agreements which was sort of like NATO

Article five an attack on one is an

attack on all as nation-states this one

kill gauri agreement was a domestic

terrorist act on one as a domestic

terrorist act on at all so they put in a

agreement between cities called strong

cities agreement the strong cities

agreement said if you've ever had

Mujahideen peacekeepers DynCorp

Mujahideen peacekeepers in your country

and you've cashed weapons before well

then you can be invited into the United

States and do the same thing in the

United States like

in Haiti like you did in Colombia like

he didn't Kosovo like he did in Bosnia

like you did in Kazakhstan like you did

in Uzbekistan so you're saying it's okay

not yet okay Trump didn't sign the kill

kill gari agreement oh did not so well

wait a minute he didn't sign it then

what's going on with Congress are they

gonna try to override yes you get your

just give me straight

House bill 7120 authorizes a

federalization of the police we don't

know how Shippen and Pelosi and others

will federalize the police but for some

reason they want to take the full

authority of Trump the executive

authority has for federalizing National

Guard's and want to take that away from

Trump and have it to be their definition

of federalizing the police they've left

it very very vague how they want to

federalize I think they want to

federalize how they federalized in 188

different countries over the last 70

years that's my opinion

but it passed the House and now is gonna

go on to the Senate House bill 7120 okay

but President Trump is not going to

signing no and it probably won't get

through the Senate to be honest with you

but okay the beautiful thing that means

they're losing then well it kind of does

because the beautiful thing was there

was 46 cities and we predicted 45 with

the 45 blackberry carriers we said each

of the representatives the reason why

they're carrying the blackberry the one

encrypted blackberry NATO blackberry is

because they're cashing weapons at a

shadow paramilitary warehouse somewhere

or several we talked about the limited

with Jeffrey Epstein Columbus Ohio being

one of the major ones we've talked about

sailors Berg with Gulen we've talked

about other places with Peter struck in

Minnesota if you watch the news last

night you see this happening right in

front of your eyes with the Minnesota

Police Department yeah first they defund

its second faith vote to disband it

third now they're saying we need to give

the monies to these community organizers

that got your children to school and you

know walk through the snow uphill both

ways to get your kids to school

that's where we're gonna trust us to

federalize this it's gonna don't worry

it's gonna be those community organizers

okay can we do without Minnesota I mean

I mean we could give them to Canada and

and and that would take care of it right

I love Minnesota I love the people there

we had some what's wrong with them

people up there George I mean well they

got struck they got struck by the strife

they got struck by these trucks and now

they're they're all like frozen they're

like you know like they can't do

anything they're in it they're in a mind

warp where they can't move so while all

this stuff is going on right in front of

their noses all these patriotic

Minnesotans are like I don't know

they're like oh gosh what should we do

now honey yeah it does remind you like

we'll be gone a little bit you know you

can just seek what's-his-name Keeler

Keeler Jeff Garrison Keillor telling yet

another story about the high drifts of

snow drifts in Brainerd but you know

Minnesota they the reason why is it has

a huge Canadian border

that's not guarded very often yeah

that's why I say well let's give him to

Canada and your dad's case by the way

and yeah operation shocker one of the

key ways of getting information these

drops from the Mexican couple was they

were at the University I want to say

Toulouse but I might be wrong but the

two FBI agents that were killed

following them in a plane right were

shot down in Minnesota right Minnesota

as they were making that run to Winnipeg

yeah and I hate to say this leads us

into yet another story here but wouldn't

it be if you wanted to speaking of

chemical weapons and speaking of

biological weapons I don't know if

Macduff worked on this case we know m'q

death was involved with the with the VX

and and and the chemical piece there was

at the fall of the Soviet Union there

was this program called it was it was

called Project Vektor which

gets taken over by this guy named Jen's

kun-hee who now has business partners

with the guy who left the door open at

Fort Detrick let's make sure everybody

catches this name and Jen's Kuhn mark

has done smark over at Housatonic live

has done some great investigation on him

everybody really needs to look into

Jen's Kuhn for so many reasons but

George go ahead well he ties the room

together he does he dies is how he dies

the last two decades together yeah

because if you look at it everything

that you're seeing now with oh this is a

chimeric virus this is a stealth virus

that doesn't affect you right away it

stays with you and then can be activated

later that kind of thing yeah all came

out of the Russian program project

backdoor the one that Jen's Kuhn

inherited all the intellectual property

the one that Jen's Kuhn did a a Nordic

Bavarian joint venture with scene of


the Iranian guy at Fort Detrick who left

the door open the same guy we did for

startups on bat viruses well you really

gotta love bad viruses to do for

startups on badly Isis right after you

leave the door open and right after you

drop the NATO courier program tracking

the NATO couriers yeah right so what if

you wanted to sell a whole bunch of

vaccines and scare the bejesus out of

the world and then also get Trump you

always got to add it get Trump yeah you

could run this gigantic say I'm gonna

get Trump the world well you're a numb

to your door and say here's a billion

for you here's 10 billion for you just

get Trump come on man I got it what

we'll do is we'll run a simulation on

drum will we'll get a little late leave

the door open it at Fort Detrick we'll

put a weak version of the virus out will

leak it out to Winnipeg we've got some

go-between setup can go to Wuhan make it

look like the Canadians did it make it

look like the Chinese did it well go

ahead and put out we'll do us we'll

spray the weak stuff and don't think

that the CIA hasn't sprayed weak viruses

before weak bacteria before they have

operation sea spray is just one of them

but it'll affect the whole world

we'll put out defective kits will let

anybody John if you you don't have

anything to do this afternoon you want

to do a PCR kit the test for kovat hey

man don't start me on PCR kits I started

studying that stuff George and it's it's

I'm if we talk about that on my channel

too much we're gonna get busted okay

but but this is on 60 minutes that

there's all these we just we decided

that when we were creating the

simulation and scaring the bejesus out

of everybody will take his it will take

PCR kits from anywhere you know you want

PC our kids from Korea

sure well that's the thing George the

this CDC itself was issuing they or

defective no are infected infected test

kits kits that had Z virus whatever the

virus turns out to be you know it's

going to come back positive the one that

comes back positive you know now now as

I am starting to learn there's questions

about just how specific is this PCR test

how many corona virus variations are

there and how can you tell one from

another especially given the fact that

viruses are always changing anyway by

their very nature yeah so I mean you and

there's a question if you've ever had

the common cold you're gonna get a hit a

positive hit so we're gonna make this

look really bad but you get the idea

we're gonna go manufacturer crisis

mm-hmm right and then we're gonna throw

it in the lap of Trump this is dropping

the chalupa Trump and this he they are

losing they are losing George you you're

you're kicking their butt man well if

you if you think about four years ago

almost I remember I was like so

depressed I think we're in a heckler we

come only to happen what can I do I mean

I was thinking I was worried about you

and your legal cases and I think you

know you want me to go back I actually

went back and got my DC bar activated

and went to some courses that I had to

take and I mean I'm just like over the

night you met us like a task force and I

and you brought us the picture of the

USS Nashville from your dad oh yeah in

Shanghai Harbor yeah

remember this yeah but I and then you

sent me a note he said John you know I

sent you a picture of the thing yeah

it's all that was very that was very

powerful that night it's all going to

going to be alright yeah it was gonna be

alright I really appreciated you being

there that night because we were right

across from one of the Institute's and I

can't remember the Cato Institute we

were outside oh yeah when John meets us

there and goes you know he remember in

the back and the restaurant in the back

and he says you know I want to get I

want to give you something he gives us

the picture one of the original postcard

yeah an original it's like I had a about

a 5x7 postcard that was printed to

memorialize the net Nashville's two

weeks in Shanghai Harbor as part of the

great Yangtze River Patrol of course

part of meaning you know it's the

elephant in the room and nobody's gonna

mess with the Yangtze River patrol while

so he assists Nash goes on there yeah

that was a hell of a thing and yeah so I

remember that was very powerful for for

for task force at the time but but

anyway it was it was great because you

were going be coming back and you were

you just come back in the class action

class okay yeah oh I took a young don't

ever take a class action cat class no

matter what you do is the most boring


it's worse than economics George it's it

was it was the main thing I can tell you

about about class actions that I learned

that night is it is such a darn of paper

intensive practice that you've got to be

copying everything and asking for

everything and sending it back and forth

and back and forth you know at how many

hundred dollars an hour and you spend

your whole entire life pushing paper

back and forth back and forth what for

it's all regulated to the point I mean

the whole class action law is there to

protect industry it's there to protect

the big corporations it's not there for

the common people the common people

would benefit much better without a

class action law if we could just go to

our local courthouse filed a lawsuit

talk to the jury and get our judgments

right but they won't let you do that you

got to go through this class action

nonsense and I'm telling you George it's

a bunch of nonsense so I remember very

the two lessons that you gave us that

night when one was numerosity in the

other was diversity and and we were we

were afraid that we had represented a

class of Bernie voters that had their

money swept to Hillary for America that

we would didn't have diversity in every

congressional district that we hadn't

made attempts so we started going all

over and getting people setting emails

from every congressional district that

had been and fighting it Bernie voters

that had given money not not Trump

people and then the other one was

diversity so all we did was submit sure

we had a man and a woman from every

congressional district we got him most

of them one of the places we didn't get

this is an aside but it was it was Keith

Allison's Minnesota you wonder if they

hit went out a call but they were very


in the Awan districts where one

districts were all very slow to come

back with somebody which is interesting

anyway we were talking about simulation

right I got the two things I gotta say

first first of all Paul Wellstone okay

you just said hit and somebody on the

chat had said Paul Wellstone and when we

talk about Minnesota let's uh let's not

leave him out of the conversation what a

tragic loss that was and that's another

plane going down it would it go down in

Minnesota I can't remember but Wow is

Paul Wellstone the one that was doing

the lawsuit I don't remember who what he

was working on except for that I knew

that he he was one of those progressives

you know among the Democrats one of the

ones that was not willing to go along to

get along you know yeah the just so many

Minnesotans come to mind and obviously

Denis McDonough up there and the whole

struck family history at st. John's was

very powerful but anyway the simulation

knew you could you could let's let's say

you control the game let's say you're

Johns Hopkins and you're Singapore

statistics and you control the reporting

what what simulation are we talking

about now what are we gonna simulate a

pandemic oh okay let's simulate a

pandemic we're gonna spray the weak

virus at the Wuhan Games you know okay

now we need somebody to courier we need

a NATO courier to take it over to the

games the games we're gonna have all

that we have a cover NATO military meets

NATO military games we'll have every

NATO courier go back to their home

country and spread the weak virus this

we know the reporting mechanisms through

World Health Organization we own that

guy that's Ted Ross yeah right and we'll

control through Johns Hopkins the

reporting mechanism right so if it

breaks out in Southeast Asia would we

control that through Singapore

statistics if we breaks out in the

United States we control that through

Fort Belvoir and immune net which is now

becoming public etc we know the

collection points and we can gain this

thing to make it the hot potato and

throw it on Trump's lap sort of like the

DNC emails we know that this is a hot

potato if we throw in the GOP slap and

then they bite on the lure right so no

matter what happens we'll be able to

make Trump look bad

whatever Trump does we can increase the

hot spots if something opens early for

business will Spence done some SEIU

people and squirts and bottles we get

some more cases make it look bad if it

starts looking like you know we're in

control of this we can spot and we can

spot it like a carpet you know we can

make it hotspots wherever we want and

Trump will be going out of his mind and

that is the idea of a simulation he's

ahead of that he I think he's got to be

he's got to see what what they're doing

um or else he would have fallen into

you're right I think he is he is seeing

that I think everybody I mean after the

Chazz you saw this red swath from

Seattle to Oklahoma where Trump was

having his rally okay

it looked immediately like everybody

just got in their cars went to every

fast-food restaurant sprayed every

bathroom yeah and then just kept driving

to Oklahoma right because it was a big

red swath now obviously what's next

Trump and Jacksonville so they forget it

that's gonna be an attack area military

families in Tampa

Miami Orlando Daytona these are the

obvious places to attack and again

you're in control you have the it could

be a little bit stronger version of the

virus or it could be the same weak virus

but you are in you make the virus the

whole election you make racial justice

and virus the whole election you hide

Biden and just make it about that

um a couple more comments here thanks

for reminding us about Paul Wellstone

everybody um he would shake your hand

and say hi I'm Paul nice to meet you

Paul Wellstone was trying to stop the

Patriot Act's as TDW they said it was

icing it crashed in northern Minnesota

says Charles in thanks Charles and

that's what that's what we got here

George we got if we have questions boom

we get answers if there you go well

that's one of the great things about

open source research my my only point is

can you see where if you have a a theory

the simulation theory where you know

that they've done this before and you

know they're out to get Trump for with

an insurance policy and then you see is

I hate to say somebody from ending a

couple from Singapore statistics and

also health triage for viruses and

they're also NATO couriers reporting

directly to the head of NATO and the

head of NATO is got the same last name

and the person who wrote the virus paper

is got the same last name and they're in

the same company as Jen's Kuhn and Spa

vari you start to say conspiracy because

everybody has the last name here you

can't say conspiracy do you mean you and

you would get your you-know-what whacked

yeah yeah well you know YouTube every

FBI case I've ever attended starts out

with conspiracy they on the first that's

a first charge five years conspiracy Wow

well towards what what else can we do i

here's what you I think have been

focused on in entry in your

presentations has been trying to get

somebody in the white

just to acknowledge what you're saying

to take it into their treatment of you

know how they're gonna handle these

situations and what I feel is this

summer is like it you know this summer

is like the the revolution is either

gonna they're either gonna do it or

they're gonna get quashed right and of

course everybody wants them quashed

right but what is there's a point where

I think we have to go and talk to the

American people directly if President

Trump isn't for whatever reason in a

position to take the actions that we

keep thinking Eve needs to take some

time during this summer we're gonna have

to just say hey American people we've

got to you know let's go march on

Washington or something because it's not

going to get any better

until President Trump does something

yeah I I think the coming-out party will

be Jacksonville where the plan when is

it it should be mid-july I think toward

the 18th 19th 20th all right in there of

July yeah

but the the reason why I say that is I

think if he blew up the conspiracy now a

little bit too early

but have you ever seen he drop subtle

hints about this being a simulation or

at least two 92019 being a simulation

the unseen enemy yes it's the invisible

enemy invisible enemy and other thing

that remember that amazing open-mike

sexist moment when there was a reporter

in the room can't remember who it was on

what that that said you know and we you

know this is uh this is a simulation and

and Trump under his breath goes oh

somebody should have told me yeah well

how do you take that that is Trump

acting at that point saying you know I'm

just gonna play along with this blah

blah blah but it's clear that President

Trump has never been personally worried

about getting a deadly disease

he doesn't maintain this social

distancing he doesn't wear their masks

he's not at all concerned about it he

looks like a person

knows the inside story yeah there was

one day in October last year I don't

know if you remember but they ran him

over to Bethesda Naval Hospital for a


yeah remember that yeah I think that may

have been Kovac because he was and

that's why I think he has antibodies now

and they know he has antibodies okay

right so they they keep throwing these

porcupines at him in its lap you notice

you're damned if you do and you're

damned if you don't

you have enough ventilators up we're

gonna get him out of ventilators no he

didn't get him on the ventilators and he

goes through this oh we're getting him

on testing you know yeah now they got

him saying slow down the testing right

and there's all these ads by the Lincoln

photo the memes memes flew on that one

like you know because I'm on Facebook

with all these liberal friends and you

know it's like oh he's crazy you know he

said ya know cut back off on the testing

what is he nuts let's get rid of this

nutcase president you know think they're

so ready yeah to play that 25th

amendment card they just like let him

say you know it the it's raining when

the sun's out and that's it he's done

well if you if you watch the City of

Laredo experience on 60 minutes

they went and bought a bunch of

non-fda-approved test kits PCR test kits

they bought a half million dollars worth

and they bought 20,000 kits who did this

a city of Laredo okay in about mid-march

and it was 20 percent correct you know

twenty percent accuracy was worse than

Wayne toss you know so Trump is saying

supposedly this dance come you know spin

on this and Brad par scale these are the

guys on the Trump media mm-hmm and

campaign say slow down the testing if

you're only 20 percent accurate you're

just cutting up the numbers here and

make it look really bad

get some good test kits in there this

spreads wide governor Hogan ends up

buying 500,000 non-fda-approved test

kits for Maryland they're not they're

not if they go no no no they're not FDA

approved I checked they were not FDA

approved well who approved him but he

never they they have nobody ever know

they they left the factory and went

straight into the National Guard our

armory or wherever that

well no the ones in Laredo went they had

a big parade they went right from the

airport directly to the city and then it

was like the first thing we want to do

is test our first responders

you know they tested the firemen and

everything they're about 20 percent

accuracy there's worse than a coin toss

it made the numbers just go through the

roof if this is if Larry Hogan who ours

our governor yeah is any indication and

he has the power to go get a half

million non-fda-approved test kits yeah

which are probably 20 to 30% accurate

which could triple the number right of

cases sure I mean the numbers are by the

way there's a new video out that I saw

it's it's a young German guy he's 19

years old a psychiatry student and he

just completely puts together a case

completely built on statistical analysis

that all of these numbers are so far

inflated it's just it's a crime to that

that we have shut down our society based

upon these numbers which are so

obviously manufactured according to this

young German man I'll share that link

when I when I come up with it after the

show yeah well you can see you know John

if you have to have a working theory

right that you work for to prove or

disapprove right if you're trying to

stop the deep state right if you say

they're running a simulation on Trump

yeah right you have to identify who are

the bad actors what would that look like

who are the companies is it Singapore

Statistics is it Johns Hopkins is it

Johns Hopkins Nanjing China Singapore

statistics do you have any IP traffic

back and forth from 2016 to prove that

between Johns Hopkins and and Johns

Hopkins nanjing yes I do see and that's

that all came about because of the

working theory right that's evidence

that Trump can ask questions why are all

these nano couriers running all around I

think they wanted this going by the IP

traffic to Nanjing I think they wanted

to do this in 2016 when Trump won and

they weren't ready mm-hmm

the insurance policy was this same

simulation they did the 25th amendment

remember with rod Rosenstein wearing the

wire you know ready to do that yeah but

the other side of it was this they

needed to put a stressor on Trump and it

wasn't ready and then it makes sense

then when foul Chi is speaking a week

before Trump takes office and says he

will be hit

yeah with with a pandemic he says that

in 2017 don't worry people I know I was

late in 2060 but I'll be there and they

decided he's extreme to do it in 2020

well they're still looking like they're

not ready in my opinion I hope that's


because and there are so many questions

of you know we hear and you've studied

in about the the ability of this to

transmogrify into something worse as a

second wave but has that ever been

demonstrated as anybody ever created a

virus that then could could then get

worse on after a few months I'm glad you

asked me because it reminded me dear dad

when I was looking into this Annie

Jacobson writes this book called the

Pentagon's brain about DARPA yeah I got

that book and I tried to read it but I

found it kind of boring it's boring

until it gets to your dad really yeah to

a chapter 23 bio weapons is a

knock-your-socks-off chapter because

what happens is they start talking about

these Russians that they've got to come

over after the fall of the Soviet Union

and this strange time between the Nixon

or during the bioweapons program to be

shut down you know in 69 and 70 your dad

dies a year later right and then the

Russians then get all the intellectual

property and the Russians run with all

this stuff for 20 years and then they

have an extensive biological weapons

program and then what happens to the

intellectual property when Russia Falls

it all comes back to Fort Dietrich with

Jen's Kuhn the same guy who's in the

partnerships all the startups with scene

of Avari the same NATO guy who has NATO

immunity right John I I know how hard

this is

to be to believe but I know your dad was

at the middle of this we know that it's

not speculation anymore and I think he

was one who looted with whistle with

Nixon because he's he knows what's being

passed to the Russians yeah somebody had

to tell Nixon yeah you're passing the

bad stuff and he's gonna say hey we're

gonna shut this thing down he shuts down

the program in Helms lies about it and

has to move it somewhere because Helms

is not working for us really Helms is

working for these elites like the

Rockefellers that are really calling the

shots in our secret operations and and

they not likely to let go of it to a

young upstart like Jack Kennedy right

and they moved it to Iran to Isfahan

right I was still Shah bill at that time

they moved it to Pakistan they moved it

to that was another key development area

weapons development area and this guy if

you read this guy and these two fast

forward 20 years later now Annie

Jacobson picks up the story

in 1991 when they're shutting the

program down they sold it to everybody

they sold these bioweapons to everybody

Iran Libya Iraq North Korea chimeric the

same stuff we're talking about right now

yeah all in any Jacobson's book chimeric

mean meaning not found in nature or

something that has to again combine if

you take a bat virus from one and a

monkey virus from another like aids SIV

forty that's in there as well the SIV

forty with that that has some story SV

sv40 excuse me and this is all DARPA

this is all DARPA yeah all this stuff is

Dharma and it's right there in Annie

Jacobson's book and if you read one

chapter I'll read it

this week really the bioweapons chapter

and you'll go oh my god I can connect

the dots back to Macduff saying hey you

know this is a bad idea

to give the Russians these what they do

is they give the Russians just like we

gave the Iranians things that were

slightly changed there is a slight flaw

yeah that the scientists can figure out

in like you know a week

and then they have it you know and the

idea I think was to prop the Russians up

so that even though they were military

inferior they have fear of a bioweapons

attack of Europe would be so great that

they were that we would just keep

building up and in it the stuff we're

dealing with right now I couldn't

believe it when I read the chapter I

said all this stuff is what's happening

to us right now this is Jen's Kuhn it's

just like his signature it's like he

wrote us a name under the other the

chapter she wrote everything that looks

like to me George is that this country

is being pieced apart taken down and

turned into fiefdom x' for just like

they did to russia just like they did to

the soviet union turning it into places

where oh okay you you can have the

midwest as long as i get 10% just just

remember to pay me on time and you can

have the whole Midwest and okay great

I'm just gonna run all all my dope

through the through the Midwest and I'll

be caught me a trillionaire in no time I

just got to give 10% to the big guy you

know patronage that's the Chicago Way

it's not only the Chicago Way you know

George I was reading and marke marke

Kulak asked me to do it a show with him

sometime on Lyndon LaRouche and and

Lyndon LaRouche is our work and one of

the things that you can do is to go to -

I think it's called LaRouche pub

org or something but you can find it the

LaRouche and there's a publication

called executive Intelligence Review eaj

are those issues those have just got so

many gems in them and the one that I was

reading the other day was a history of

the Bronfman's and how the Bronfman's

have been really just to cut out for the

British intelligence working through

Canada and such an interesting story

that they got there they got their first

money by running illegal drinking

establishments in Canada where's Canada

had prohibition from 1915 to 1920 and

then United States has prohibition from

1919 to 1934 so what they did

was the British working with Bronfman

were able to establish all of these rat

lines and those are the same rat lines

you're talking about in Minnesota today

where instead of running booze they're

running dope they're running blood

samples they're running the most

horrific things in the world and they

don't care because it's all just about

money yeah well I was pretty darn sure

Crown Royal had a a bounty back to the

it's all it's all goes that goes through

the hay and mist and all that I knew

somebody worked for Bo the Haig family

the H AIG yeah there was a British Field

Marshal named Douglas Haig in World War


yeah and it's his family that was

running all the booze over to Kent in

Canada and they were running both of all

the all the mafia stuff I mean not mafia

all the all the smuggling through the

Teamsters and everything else that all

those famous stories it all goes back to

Great Britain's

intelligence service George well

Montreal the Bank of Montreal is

certainly known for its share of laundry

hey we have a couple extra minutes here

because I I want to make sure you know

that the that that Oswald you met your

dad's on this case right okay if you say

so I mean I've seen some paper but let's

go ahead you've seen some paper that in

January 64 which ass Sullivan asks and

says Tom Oh Lachlan has said no that's

that the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not

have any independent in investigations

of either Oswald or Jack Ruby and he

said that in January of 1964 for context

that's only two months after the

assassination but or less yeah and

that's your daddy preferences Tom

Francis O'Laughlin yes okay so we know

he's on the case at some point okay I

just wanted to call your attention

because you did sidney gottlieb poison

and cheap poison here in chief you know

and the place that you're gonna find

they say they move the program when

Nixon shut it down is to God leaves

place up in Montreal as for safekeeping

this is where Frank Olson has to go up


York and they poison him up there

because you know they're doing the LSD

you mean McGill McGill University in

Montreal yeah that I I did a couple of

shows from there they're gone now but

right but now is in Cameron's fiefdom

that he was given by the books I'm just

saying that if if he shut it down if he

shut down fort detrick Nixon shut down

Fort Dietrich they had to move it

someplace initially mm-hmm and I believe

it was Canada and it's gonna be brothel

in Canada and they did move it to

Montreal and there is that tie there

well anyway interestingly enough what

wait a minute I I don't want to miss

this this is a big point you're saying

that when Nixon shut down the in 1969

Fort Detrick afford such offensive

chemical weapons that they move it to

Montreal yes yes because they can't have

they can't be continuing working on

offensive biological or chemical weapons

yeah okay that Nixon said they won't do

that now there's a huge stockpile that's

still in Pine Bluff Arkansas there's

still a huge stockpile in Dugway a Utah

I'm not saying the stockpiles were

destroyed but I'm talking about the new

development in Sidney Gottlieb when you

read how much he was involved at Fort

Detrick yes he is the causal agent that

moves it to Montreal now it goes to a

whole bunch of different directions from

Montreal who won't cover that but what I

found interesting is there is a flight

this is the whole supporting at Haslam

saying by a as well as involved in bio

weapons you know because there is a

flight from New Orleans with Lee Harvey

Oswald as the pilot I believe Jack Ruby

and a third person that I forgetting

their name right now flying up to meet

Sidney Gottlieb in Montreal there's a

flight that Oswald takes before the

obviously before the assassination to

Montreal really yeah I thought that was

very interesting it it is I mean it was

like I want to know more about that

timeline if somebody knows the Oswald

timeline because again I'm not trying to

expand your dad's footprint here but we

know that your dad's investigating

Oswalt okay at some point and Ruby well

he at least had to look in the Joint

Chiefs of staff's files but having been

an FBI guy for 12 years he would have

been very cognizant of figuring out who

Oswalt was and who Jack Ruby was once

the names popped up on November 22nd

right okay so Oh Frank Sturgis was the

other guy fro Sturgis Frank Sturgis was

the other guy in the plane now Sturgis

man that is a sick oh that guy yeah huh

now he ran just hang with me for a

second on this one it gets a little

complicated but it was Mexico City

Sturgis ran Mexico City where Oswald was

doing supposedly getting these potions

ready for these prostitutes to take to

Castro and kill Castro this is the you

know never that operation was the snake

I can't remember but anyway this this

gal named Lorentz her she gets sent in

there and then she tells Castro no they

want to kill you I can't put the pills

in the food and all this stuff so she

says that she drove with this mongus

operation mongers she drove from Mexico

City with Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby

and Frank Sturgis to Louisiana now were

they also bankrolling this from from why

do they need to go up and see God leap

why do they need to go out and see

Bronfman Rothman is also a part of the

Meyer Lansky crime Network to get some

money yeah bankrolling Carlos marchello

is also a you know a guy young I mean

this is tied together you know the way

that this e ir article from back in 1982

was written it shows that if this is

correct that Bronfman was really the the

arch mafia guy ended it was under

Bronfman that people like Lansky and

Luciano were working and it was their

job to get rid of the old mafia powers

in the various cities and then

consolidated under Bronfman yeah yeah I

definitely think that there's this

way sooner poisoning the other families

poisoning the competitive mafias and

suffer okay there's definitely Gottlieb

gets consigned yeah to Bronfman and

you're dead

now let me add footprint a little bit

more we know your dad gets involved in

in passing fake documents to the

Russians about the VX nerve gas yeah

that's in Cassidy's run yeah that's the

Cassidy's run that's David wise that's

operation shocker what if your dad was

looking backward to win you know hey Tom

can you run Oswald

oh I'm gonna I'm gonna start from when

Oswald gets to Dallas I'm not gonna look

anything I'm not gonna look at anything

you did in Louisiana New Orleans I'm not

gonna look at anything you did in Russia

of course he doesn't say that yeah he's

gonna look at the whole full flight of

the thing yeah what were you doing at in

mints get the radio factory what were

you doing is Ferg lost you know isn't

that where the you two get shot down

what were you doing down over here what

were you doing flying up to Montreal

what were you doing going to seeing

Sturges down in in Mexico City these are

all questions that your dad would have

had to a process for the Joint Chiefs

right interesting the the results of our

investigation over the past two years

have been more astounding than I could

have ever imagined and that when you

when you tell me a idea like this I

don't think before TDY that it had as

much guts in it than it does now because

when we realized that Doug Valentine

wrote a book 20 years ago yep called TDY

not knowing who this character was that

was running the operation and then this

year you know three months ago Doug

Valentine contacts you to talk about

reissuing and his book and looking for

some help in publicizing the book you

get interested and bring me into it and

the next thing we know we find out that

that's Macduff that was running the

operation to bust the CIA when they are

trying to

making deal with a drug lord in Laos way

out in the boondocks trying to bust them

so that the American people would know

so that the president would know so that

we would have proof that the CIA is

running this Helliwell plan you know

into America into through the body bags

of our soldiers through the it's it's

unbelievable without proof and who had

the courage to trying to do it the guys

on that mission the guy that guys called

a major whose name I don't know if I'll

ever know but I just think my god these

people were willing to give their lives

to stop this scourge of heroin coming

into our country and my dad recognized

the necessity for them to take those

risks and sent them on that mission and

yes a number of them got killed

and yes that the outcome of the mission

did not stop the heroin trade but he

sure as hell tried and and and I am so

proud of what he did and what those guys

did that were part of that team I tell

you if we can publicize that story then

everything else will fall into place

because you can see the character of a

man that would organize and send those

guys into that very very risky mission

absolutely and you know an applause to

make Jeff I have some good news for you

yeah it's in an EJ concerns book she

talks about Saxa yeah she talks about

Victor cruel ACK cruel ah yeah yeah this

is after this is in the later chapter so

you got to get through the dry part of

the early days of DARPA it's really

boring it's all about allan dulles son

and it alland Alice's son was you know a

gung-ho military guy and he ends up

getting a head wound yeah and because of

his head wound he lost his ability to

think and Allen Dulles kept trying to

force these horrible cures on him

sending him up I think to Montreal to

get treated by that idiot

Ewen Cameron yeah and just this wacky

stuff that they did the poor boy hated

his father was was treated terribly as a

child and now the father is now trying

to use the boy who doesn't ostensibly to

help him but really just trying out his

pet theories of how to control minds

yeah and and and I want to tell people

there is that piece of the front end of

the book that really is drags but then

it gets good as DARPA ARPA changes from

DARPA you know to DARPA and it gets good

with Saxa ok and and what you're gonna

really find is there's a combination

here with Doug Valentine as well because

he talks about these strategic villages

or I can't I think they call them strong

villages or whatever that they all these

different strategic Hamlet's and

Hamlet's all these different initiatives

that they tried and he's it's AXA every

other words AXA Joint Chiefs acts of

Joint Chiefs you know so they're I know

he's in the middle of all this yeah he's

in the middle of all these things with

Colby and whatnot so it's gonna be very

interesting as we move forward as you

know drawing the nut and that's the

great power by the way of people

watching because we wouldn't have known

about operation shock and you know he's

in chapter four in Chapter ten unless

people would have brought it forward

yeah and now boom we know and yeah so

somebody whose name was kind of

confusing it was something like Shay I'm

undercover or something okay we're not

going to tell you anybody oh your name

there I do want to give credit thank you

to Doug yeah sorry Doug Valentine

because he was the whole with these nice

NATO replete replacement police yeah the

paramilitary replacements he wrote the

book on it the Phoenix program is the

paramilitary replacement police that's

right and you know the Phoenix program I

mean it's a book that that everybody

should be aware of what's happening

right now it's what's happening to the

United States and and and and now we are

seeing the answer to Doug's question in

his preface says what will happen this

book is about asks what happens when

Phoenix comes home to roost

well Phoenix is who your guys it's it's

home to roost we are getting put through

the net and the sibs and we're going to

be selected or rejected according to the

needs of the Phoenix program in the

United States and not according to our

own freedoms liberties desires or

pursuit of happiness and with that

that's why we're gonna sign Jack John in

pro hac VJ for the defense of Julian


alright well that'll be great George I

would be glad to toss in my my humble

talents to see what a Greek I can help

guys it's just an amazing amazing

journey and George Webb you have made

this possible for me so I am so grateful

and guys sup support George on his

patreon I appreciate your support on


a number of other great researchers such

as Housatonic live Harry the Greek Bill

Taylor over on his blog at at deep state

analytics and Connie Bevan who's doing

incredible work are transcribing and

publishing all of your not only their

transcripts but also kind of editing and

re publishing your book which again

George congratulations on your book can

I can I just say one thing about Connie

Bevins you said I want pictures I do I

think you ought to have pictures in

there so what I'm doing is I'm taking

Connie's editing and proofreading yeah

because there was typos because I did it

all at 3 in the morning but no problem

but she's taking five chapters at a time

I'm rewriting it and expanding I'm

adding I'm gonna be adding illustrations

yeah and selling it for $1 on Kindle so

so as Connie goes and puts the five

pages at a time together

yeah please support her and doing that

because she's doing a proofreading step

that's critical that allows me to not

have to do all that myself right and I

do want to say this if there is one time

in your life where you wanted to throw a

dollar over here and a dollar over there

and a dollar over here and a dollar over

there and just say Macduff sent you go

out to stefan molyneux for instance did

you see he gets drunk yeah and and say

this is a dollar from McDuff right mm-hm

and go over to Sibel Edmonds and say

here's a dollar and I'm from Macduff and

then go over and give a dollar to mark

his tonic and then Harry the Greek and

Connie Bevan and this set up telling

Macduff said you know take a bike

bite outta crime

you know big Duff Macduff did I say we

pick ruff you tried so just saying they

sent you because what that does is it

creates a whole chain of reaction

there's nothing like being losing

everything you've worked on for four

years in in Stefan's case it's 14 years

he has 650,000 of subscribers to get

when you're at your lowest and you get

that dollar

yeah from somebody says I'm behind you

it has a tremendous impact believe me

it's not who your friends are when you

know they're slamming the door behind

you after you work for them for three

months after living on their couch and

working for free it's the people that

you remember when you you you get set up

so if you would do that if you haven't

done patch on already a lot of you are

already patreon so we will thank you for

your support but I think it would be a

great time to do that today if you

haven't joined patreon it's not a bad

thing it's pretty secure and see we're

super rotation alright everybody thank

you again for being here

483 people watching right now each of


March on out into the world do research

talk it up with people let's turn this

thing around

yeah and books books the other thing is

put books that you think are in and

we'll look at them I'll buy them all

right thanks George thanks everybody

McDuff and Webb Special! George Webb joins me at 11am


•Streamed live 10 hours ago





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McDuff Channel is dedicated to finding the truth about his father's career in the context of US history and current events. Neither I nor my guests are giving medical advice. We do not support any medical theories. Instead, we direct you to ask your physician for any advice you may need. We oppose "misinformation." We do not inform users of our channel about how to protect from COVID-19. we do not include content that encourages non-medical tests or exams for COVID-19. We do not "promote" any "information" about COVID-19. We do not have the facts. Any comments should be considered speculative, not informative. We do not support false/unsubstantiated claims about the cause, promotion of dangerous remedies or cures, origin or spread of COVID-19 that contradict scientific consensus. We do not claim any of the following to be true:

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Rand mccullough

Rand mccullough

8 hours ago

i promise you the CIA has a file with every little video George has ever done


Dorothy G. Tyas

Dorothy G. Tyas

5 hours ago

Indeed, I trust that said genocidalist psychopaths irrevocably choke on the truth, sooner than later!  ☝��

Rand mccullough

Rand mccullough

8 hours ago

Assange is a hero   DEFUND THE CIA


Mary Burton-Majure

Mary Burton-Majure

6 hours ago

Anyone know if Manning was seeing a psychiatrist for his gender dysmorphia prior to any dealings with JA n wl?

Epic Rewipe

Epic Rewipe

5 hours ago

CIA is a franchise with farm clubs.  If they are defunded they will up their drug gun and chattle shipments.


Dorothy G. Tyas

Dorothy G. Tyas

5 hours ago

Hear! Hear!  ����

Rand mccullough

Rand mccullough

51 minutes ago

@Epic Rewipe at least they'd have to EARN their money.  my preference is to defund and get rid of em   everything they touch turns to shit   Allen Dulles was an arrogant asshole..Wm Colby met Dulles' ghost while out in a kayak on the wicomico river



8 hours ago

Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope is a book worthy of any list :)


Marie Burns

Marie Burns

8 hours ago (edited)

Thanks John n George for bringing up Julian Assange  Free Assange.


Rick Rozoff

Rick Rozoff

5 hours ago (edited)

Over the past three or so weeks there's been a proliferation of Antifa apologetics/puff piece videos, including two from the Voice of America. Astonishing, no? One from the Washington Post quotes an official from the Atlantic Council. A person would have to be blind not to appreciate the significance of the above. (Paul Wellstone was a stalwart member of the NATO left. Supported NATO's "humanitarian" 78-day air war against Yugoslavia in 1999.)


Rick Rozoff

Rick Rozoff

4 hours ago

@UChJkYvcS8y0sDTBXqjkNsNQ The fact that this notorious State Department/CIA mouthpiece, which for the past 20 years has agitated for "color revolution" coups around the world, is now aiming their artillery Stateside by running interference for Antifa thugs should make us very concerned.

Daniel Richards

Daniel Richards

7 hours ago

All Roads Lead To Britain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dorothy G. Tyas

Dorothy G. Tyas

4 hours ago

Right to the Rothschitz poxy front door, no doubt! ��☠��


Bearly Listening

Bearly Listening

4 hours ago

You mean the DNC and NATO.

Daniel Richards

Daniel Richards

4 hours ago

@Bearly Listening No, I mean Britain. Fed Reserve - British. Military Industrial Complex - British. Media Industrial Complex - British. Academic Industrial Complex - British. Council on Foreign Relations - British. The philosophy - British. The Ideology - British. The economic policy - British. 5 Eyes Intelligence Services - British. All of it is British, and the people who developed these control mechanisms were all British stooges. That's not a theory, that's historical fact.


Bearly Listening

Bearly Listening

3 hours ago

@Daniel Richards Britain can't even extract itself from the EU successfully. Prince Andrew was forced to humiliate himself in his recent interview because he was dumb enough to get caught in Epstein's blackmail operation. I've studied the Federal Reserve, CFR and military industrial complex in detail. How do you substantiate your claim that they are 'British?'


Daniel Richards

Daniel Richards

3 hours ago

@Bearly Listening We're not talking about England. England is not the British empire.


Jacqueline Hughes

Jacqueline Hughes

2 hours ago

Reckon this is a 'follow the £££s ' argument...what with huge wealth of Crown Estates, Rothschild CBs & fact that Queen + Rothschild = primary shareholders in Bank of England ++...suggests that who controls the £s has always set/highly influenced the agenda?!?  Can't argue with that!!������UK

Bearly Listening

1 hour ago

@Daniel Richards I never mentioned England. Britain is synonymous with the United Kingdom. Since you have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claim, I'm going to be forced to assume you have none.


Daniel Richards

1 hour ago

@Bearly Listening Well, then, why don't YOU DO THE RESEARCH into anything that I said? Who created the Federal Reserve banking system? Where did the CFR come from? Who founded it? Who created the mass media system we have today? Who? How? You answer the questions. You look into it. It's all right in front of you face if you get off your lazy ass and do the work.

Marie Burns

Marie Burns

6 hours ago

John thanks for explaining the finer detail. George thanks for your genius analysis. What a team you two make!. Amazing


Mike Cox

Mike Cox

6 hours ago

I lived in Minnesota in the early 1990’s. It is a very corrupt and politicized place. I spent about 4 years in school there, then I had to leave, because the liberal madness was infuriating!




8 hours ago (edited)

I am so happy you have all of your videos; where can other people see them? I was saving your videos for a while because sometimes I did not have time to see one that was posted and when I did have time, it would be deleted. Unfortunately, my phone's memory was full, so I had to delete them.




5 hours ago

I have been downloading every video for the last 3 years


Murad Jones

Murad Jones

2 hours ago

@illbnice2u2 can you make them available to others

Evon Widmann

Evon Widmann

5 hours ago (edited)

Thank you, Georg,  for caring about loosing the comments:). And, yes, John, it's a personal violation to delete any free body of written work in an open society.Oh, the irony of the elites

Dorothy G. Tyas

Dorothy G. Tyas

4 hours ago

I'll say it then: CONSPIRACY ! ! !  ☝��  (Pirate run cons' piracy, in fact....)

Donna L. Davidson

Donna L. Davidson

4 hours ago

Marcello was definitely involved - back channeled to Hoover.

susan p. faust

susan p. faust

6 hours ago

best solution-defund UN<NATO< CIA


Candace Mcghee

Candace Mcghee

5 hours ago

susan p. faust

I've been saying the same for several years now along with getting rid of central banks and fed.reserve.  That should pretty much drain the swamp.

Disco Winter

Disco Winter

5 hours ago

I have been saying that for 4 years. Game over.



1 second ago

Defund Israel .... 1611Vs since june 10th ... over 2h ... Ryan Dawson bitchute.com/video/Qgumms3EHwY/ ... request bein his guest Djeworge ....

Mary Burton-Majure

Mary Burton-Majure

6 hours ago

George!!!!  Put Trump on the cover!  Guaranteed he gets the book����




7 hours ago

suggestion: "PUBLISH" ON GITHUB. No need for readers to obtain or provide contact info for corporate harvesting.

Donna L. Davidson

Donna L. Davidson

4 hours ago

What happened to the Trello Boards, George?


Caydeyn Chinensis

Caydeyn Chinensis

4 hours ago

Please don’t give Minnesota to Canada. We have enough problems with the corrupt JT

T Harner

T Harner

2 hours ago

I wish Annie Jacobsen could be on your show.

Epic Rewipe

Epic Rewipe

5 hours ago (edited)

I think Covid-Op-19 was designed with Hillary in mind.  Its bigger then selling vaccines, its a Scaler.  Vector changes for social, economic, government, and constitutional rights. 

This was the excuse, a reason to push towards NWO.  This skit was scheduled, independent of who would be president.  Taking Trump out now would be collateral.  It was coming regardless. 

"I am the best candidate for what is coming"....says HRC in 2016.    Chelsea World Health Czar too.  

Snowed in, in LA, some time this year?

Sherri Cox

Sherri Cox

7 hours ago

My dog stopped the video so I had to restart it.  All the comments I was reading are gone but 6.  Shoot!  I was trying to figure out the tomatoes and garden comments.

Wyldefyre Willlow

Wyldefyre Willlow

2 hours ago

I can not join Parler since I am protesting the use of my private data by cell phone companies by using a land line...

Mary Burton-Majure

Mary Burton-Majure

6 hours ago

John....please tell your model Soo to stop overreacting...a few caps just means we're EXCITED!����


caryl guziejewski

caryl guziejewski

4 hours ago

Glad to see you guys hi to George Webb Miss You

Michael despirito

Michael despirito

6 hours ago

Uzbek transport express western Ohio. Also Uzbek express in queens




4 hours ago

At 1:10:00 GW says"...

Michael despirito

Michael despirito

6 hours ago

Was just on rt. 287 in Parsippany  NJ.  and saw a tractor trailer with Uzbek trucking on the side . Happened too fast to get a picture.


Simon Zelig

Simon Zelig

1 hour ago

What's the link to the German student's virus stats video?

Rory Macdonald

Rory Macdonald

2 hours ago

Hi John, can you link to that video you mention at 58m00s ?

Donna L. Davidson

Donna L. Davidson

4 hours ago

Stone called himself the back channel to Assange and Bannon testified to it in Stone’s trial, right?



4 hours ago

at 1:10:00 "...flight from New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswalt as pilot, I believe...". Really? LHO is the pilot? Or you do not know and it is just wasteful speculation that LHO is a pilot and, in fact, has no bearing on the subject at hand. I.e., pure distraction that only off-puts your audience.

Lisa Mathieu

Lisa Mathieu

9 hours ago

Someone must have saved the videos


live oak

live oak

3 hours ago (edited)

why don't y'all get a couple of paypal accounts, and we can also donate to your paypal.  donating through there is super fast and easy.

T.S. FitzGibbon

T.S. FitzGibbon

7 hours ago

Hi guys!



4 hours ago




6 hours ago

Frank Sturgis was in Lisbon when our prime minister was killed in a Cessna crash above houses near the airport. Officials have another narrative. But people saw an explosion in the air. The plane was changed at the last minute. Another minister had a call to go on another plane later. There's seats on the plane that show explosion etc.... He was like your republicans. We had a military coup from the left 4 years earlier. Not bad because the guy deposed was a dictator. Frank Carlucci was embassador here during that coup. He made a huge friendship with a guy on the left that became prime minister after the death of the previous one killed. Carlucci guy was more friendly to USA/Portugal policies. And so our future was changed. Once again america had his hands on changing another government in a free country to accommodate what america wants!!

I can't find some channels you guys talk about mark iso what? Anybody can give me a hand? Thank you and thank you both for another great show


Rick Rozoff

Rick Rozoff

5 hours ago

I recall Portugal in 1974-75. U.S./NATO sent warship off Lisbon's coast. When I read that Carlucci was sent as envoy there I feared another bloody coup of the sort he arranged in the Belgian Congo and Brazil. A real international hit man.



4 hours ago

Mark Kulicz's YouTube channel is: Husatoniclive

Bearly Listening

Bearly Listening

3 hours ago

Carlucci is definitely bad news.

Debra Johnson

Debra Johnson

3 hours ago (edited)

Link University in Rome is appropriately named as its connected to Oxford, undoubtedly Harvard as well, formerly Link Campus, University of Malta. Their notable list of alumi doesn't include anyone for which I'm familiar,  however buried in their text a few pop up.  Its fortè is in training law enforcement & intelligence officers & NATO officers as well as John Le Carre, author/British MI6.  Jami Miscik, 62 was at the CIA desk 1983-2004, Lehman Bros & briefly at Barclay until Obama called on her to clean house. Thereafter she was recruited by Kissenger Assc as Vice-chairman,  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jami_Miscik




4 hours ago


Frank Rizzo

Frank Rizzo

4 hours ago




1 second ago

zionatoists trump zionazis .. but wait, here comes flyin ashfixanazion-a-lustdustman

live oak

live oak

3 hours ago (edited)

ICQ and usenet is still going strong.  lots to be learned in such places.  they are using Julian just like they used "the Russians."    I figure NATO is infiltrating by default thru DHS.  I think they have put a DHS guy in each city who watches over, liaisons with, and influences each police dept. and reports the info back to DHS relevant partners ---- like FBI/CIA/JTF which coordinates with Pentagon/NATO when needed.   Pompeo said, "This is a live exercise."  Trump said, "should have told us; should have told us" and gave Pompeo "the look of disgusted scorn."   Pompeo is involved in the treason.  That's what it looks like to me.


Frank Rizzo

Frank Rizzo

3 hours ago


Added to undeadening jewmemery // faves // Horrid Hell 11th // channel feature lists


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