Tuesday, June 09, 2020

lefties 'VS' righties IS devas 'VS' asuras or heads 'VS' tails

3.6K views -- Jun 7 ---- 252:9 -- JFG Livestreams - 23.4K subscribers

you forgot to discuss the 'attax duh ritsj' aspect bro ... but that failed to stop me liking this vid ... even tho it marks the lack of tieing 'ends' loose deep enough. i am referring to the one on one overlaps and -layables:

A1: duh bricks

 [delivered by divine intervention, might even be trumpites]

A2: jamarāt

Mecca, place of pilgrim {strawberry size} pebbles thrown at 'devil pillar ... short square single stump behind eyelevel wall became three pillars sometime between the 40s and 2004, when they got replaced by a tall wall in an oval, adding a ramp to allow a two tier feed]"




At least 14 million pebbles will be thrown at the devil today, but the number will likely to be higher as some pilgrims toss a few extra for good measure.

Today, many of the pilgrims walking from Muzdalifah continued their trek through a convoluted network of walkways to the ritual site. The paths funnel thousands of pilgrims hourly, each clutching seven pebbles in their hand and keeping one target in mind: Satan.
As they approach the ramp to the first floor of the multi-levelled building, the pace quickens. The clicks as pebbles shift in thousands of hands can be heard even far back from the long oval wall that represents the devil.
The throwing distance is a personal preference. Some stand far back and toss them from more than 10 metres, others get as close as possible to the railings.

Unlucky taller pilgrims who move towards the front often get a pebble to the head, but it doesn’t stop the flurry of chucks.

“Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,” an Egyptian man screams as he rapid-fires his seven pebbles at the Jamarat wall.


try and relate proper compostage of one's most intimate daily product to the terms used there, like 'defile' / crush ... self scrutiny etcetera .. and especially the 'seven' which, as i have pointed out for many years all over the net is a direct act [or should i say crime?] of sterilizin abstraction of sieving, the root word for which is the same as seven in dutch and german btw .... overlaid by a['stray'] bloody castrative / projective misinterpretation [banal aspects of a mythicized forebear drama]. For example:

crush occurred on September 24, 2015, in Mina when at least 2,411 pilgrims were killed

A3: 'amrita' production site in vedic 'folklore' of Samudra Manthan ... 'ocean churning' scene ... using a mountain as churn, a snake wrapped around it a rope and baddies and goodies on either side pulling 'gain ground' [spoiler alert, the goodies use a ruse so the baddies remain the disease ridden idyids they are] iow, ..grounding in question completely neutered, good polarization and real ops for real peeps replaced with mythical ones ::: see link to recent comment below

amrita stands for the desired milk / butter .. etcetera ... yet early depictions insist on a direct link to glacial 'milk' [ref to river colour on account of trace element saturation]

A4: my proposals

... for 'protests' that really will be an unstoppable '[f]irevo' [fiery volt face], lead ashes [rockdust] to braid / stitch / grow rain and shine together into well formed and well informed greenery [overtones to form=vitality / incrowds / dumb hicks / misled toxies on the one hand the 'informed' as in urban degens on the other plenniful ... but i'll try keep them bracketed (squarely)]. Recently bestowed relevent inf to this here vid [from 3 days ago]: youtube.com/watch?v=iJdDvFzB3vk

Prof Hamamoto on leftie budgeting and the mob stampede extortionist ways to get it 'raised' ... i asked him to compare what he claims there

... [42nd - 45th + 1h9m he recommends going to help out in the country again, not to execute harebrained maoist delusional programs] ....

 to my instructions for turning red guard type antifas into flourpowder grippies posted in 2 places a few days earlier:

Genetically engineered human-animal chimeras – what could go wrong?

19 views --- Jun 2 -- Organic Consumers Association

i posted my Argos / 'Black Axe' remarks on the growth of trafficking in the Netherlands over the decades as encore after this:

in race news this morn: ethiopian housemaids dumped on the embassy's doorstep in lebanon. Doors remain closed.


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