Friday, September 13, 2024

TrumParaidoXiCull HenFoxPlex or .. PigMusigck


14/09 ------- 4Moon ---- -- k69 ---- 23/02: {lot} - 27/08: {ctc}
josh .. crash at sermon length -5 .. jumpin back in 1h33 .. funny enuff that's the bossman segment ..

early memories:
holiday to france at around 6, visiting both casino and cathedral; parents competing to see who would let me experience both my own way unmolestedly ....
.. it took a couple of decades at least for me to grapple with gambling ... learnt from none other than Caillois the mineral collector / 'ludensia' theorist .. i developed an intellectual aversion to asians, jews and games of chance right there .. specially cause i was immersed in studying Beckerath .. the ultimate 'veilig en sekuur' guy [no not 'auctionable and precise' but close]
auto-choke out crept up when someone leveralifted 'greppel naar dijk' [ditchlet to dyke] ... scaled also already problematic irrigation [ratio griddin n catty grins; masssociety stackage and inseczioation done set out tward sof T ruin Coommienoose'm]

3 hours ago

The assortment of people who've been in the Trump sphere over time is odd as hell. tfw you invite Kanye West over for dinner and he brings along Milo and walking-funny Fuentes, who are now trying to have a totally heteronormative "beard" competition. The next day a bunch of bloggers like Styx Imholte are sweeping it up. Biden finally deciding to buy a hat for his hat isn't even in the top 10. LOOMED, etc. Still, he persisted.

Re: TrumParaidoXiCull HenFoxPlex or .. PigMusigck ...
jjesuss con sorted dem tempty demon out from desert to shore .. healed w clay to hit duh precious ore up da yinyan ... epochs eventually but the link is more immediate .. speakin of ... 'voidisyinyan' [Drew Hempel] is one of those repertoire perfecting artists .. wordcraft after autistication via vaccines ... which he never mentioned again after the noughties btw .. via vax .. and piano .. classical ... goin rebelpunk wanderstudent before returning to care for mommie ... check the parallels .. i was on a few of the periodically deleted blogs of his [and he 'woikin on his name at rigorousintution, a large thread blog {always ended up there instead of forums btw} among others] with the best name: mothershiplanding [if you had only one period, would you positzion before or after that slippie s chat?] .... anyways, he spergs 24/7 about lockleg lotus to distill mystery juices and forge alchem pill [delicately prone to poppin], iow, about sexpreszion distilleries followin taoism and pinnin western term on those ancient metaphors .. but his one leg in digital academia isn't threadworthy at kiwifarms ... like i said ... it's a mystery chat .. sexwootaboo weighs weightily tsjhat ..[too heavy for the screendamage phats under hats .. 'onder 1 hoedje' might yield funny images .. jussuposin scatophobe chat ... seriously .. yall sedentarians are guaranteed to develop constipation probs sooner than later .. it sneaks up on you as easily as glyphosate reaches u air n rain born CHAT] .. cause yall incellexpurts but he sure is more interestingly mysterious than josh knowledge of stuckpigs [vocaliza{ ver}zion{ overlay}z in follow up [of this 1h9m seg] will be appreciated by the likes of i for one.
Faulty jesus copies choke earth all the way out to cold saturnian hell eventually chat .. before that we get Bethlehem containing double cone band w planet snap in DStarSequence lucky every 4 ice ages [source chipslabbed chat, some hawaiian hippie is all i remember now].
VERY upsetting .. hun'in for that ref in one after the other of collection pdf .. i fail to churn it up .. the url had the word boy in it pretty sure but my browser history is in irreparable tatters .. except maybe for the extreme metadata exspurgt

did find an early ref to [glyphosate, cause of] my illness .. in the 'disowned!!!! dumped in the nile!!!! mode and form/frame that guaranteed my poison left to move me towards hell in 'peace':

You are not just NOT assimilated and selfsame with your own
heritage EITHER!! ... but rather over-, supra- ultra- and/or intra-
assimilees (and your cultural values asimilar) to - overrun and
occupied by - desert memes which displaced your close to
home cultural set and setting from a huge distance and
timeframe constellation away (worked like an offside trapsnap),
yet you 'riteasies' scold the natural born to them for overtaking
and metastatizing what they baited, triggered and trapped into
you and you into in the the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So who exactly is the aryan identitarian [tit denting & poisonin ..
would you like some glyphosate in your mommie milk, sons of
You cannot be white on red ground properly, nor black for that
matter. You and that Frawley missie have some un'liftable'
cases of stockholm syndrome.
i usually listen to you all the way thru but this time ... impossible
page 1019 of 1082 .. of 'happy nazionalism jewIDeyots'
.. finally, after a well over half hour search; the last 4th of notes from 20 11 2011 in 'Notes2ValumVotan and adjacent 2009-2014': .. that's aloha boy

the first few google images clicks (had to turn off the .. 'pimp' which sports a firefox-like logo but had all
sorts of processage ruining facebook code, first) do not bring up that site which brings out the supine
human anthropomorh aspects of that building brought out ... so who's not being honest about modelment
i wonder?

The first heartbeat of
11/10/08 20:11
same but with dimmer tones .. obviously

a roswell rock that had golden mean .. and a croppie just like it? Straight from the department of head
fuckers obviously
yeah, we can use another fake and colourful 'meshcrean', why not?
great way to go here, cause mr merrick uses a single image per page
"note the human shape" caption to very bare line drawing

take my latest grinding ideas (huge rock spun on huge rock)
the art of mister Slovak
and this doubling of spin:
i hate the hiate and aint happy again till i can say i eight the perspective

Loudermilk 12x


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