177. Mike Gill - GWebb comes up m35
177. Mike Gill, James O'Keefe - The Crime Of The Century
Mike Gill exposes the biggest drag trafficking ring in history - sitting in New Hampshire. "I'm up to my ass in Russians." - - - "It's all in the Ukraine. The money laundering." This is why Guilliani was dispatched to Ukraine when he was. This ALL runs back to the great Kay Griggs 1997 interview - the drugs and guns and money laundering.
Retired Generals. Israeli hit squads. Kissinger & Associates.
When Mike took the information to the Trump campaign, they never told you about it. James O'Keefe kept it to himself. As did Michael Flynn and Sidney Powel and Corey Lewendowski and Patrick Howley and Roger Stone, Steve Bannon etc... James O'Keefe was put on "paid leave" because of a February 5th 2023 interview Mike Gill did. Within hours, James O'Keefe was gone. Because James O'Keefe knows what's coming and how many people are going down on BOTH sides of politics. Instead of revealing to the American public the highest level drug and money laundering operation in history - $934 billion - with Fentanyl killing across America, the Trump campaign kept it to themselves and used it for political leverage to get Chris Sanunu - Bush family operator - to come on board and support Trump and deliver New Hampshire. Meanwhile your kids died and the drug trafficking and money laundering rolled on...
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Mike Gill was offered $50 million dollars to shut up, walk away and sign releases for banks, former heads of the IRS, lawyers and judges. All on paper, signed and sealed, he never took the deal. THAT is a true hero. This is going all the way. All the way. Front page New York Times. I just pray Saint Ronnie De'Santis gets no mileage from this. He is just as dirty even if on the fringes. He is a Kissinger & Associates, Likud, Israeli Firster, Blackrock, Goldman Sachs rat of rats. Trump, ya got alot of 'splainin to do. ISRAEL PENETRATES U.S CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE - PLAYLIST (A must watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YPO9...
The War In Ukraine, Whats It About (Playlist) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LUYO...
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