Nick Land on acc and bitc in 2018
Ideology, Intelligence, and Capital with Nick Land
Jul 19, 2018
Justin Murphy
13.4K subscribers
Jeremy Weate
Jeremy Weate
2 years ago (edited)
I was Warwick in the 1990s when Nick Land taught there and formed the CCRU. He attracted a clique around him and was charismatic from a certain perspective. He was fond of making grand millenarian claims back then too: that convergence would take place in 2010 and there would be a black box in your living room that did everything. In a sense he was right of course: the internet was the beginning of the acceleration and all media and human experience folded into technology. It's a shame his trajectory has become the intellectual parallel of Morrissey and he has become a grumpy old racist, beloved of Steve Bannon and the like.
Venom Groyper
Venom Groyper
2 years ago
This is an abundantly banal take. Nick's stated stance on ethnic politics is one of utter dismissal.
Jeremy Weate
Jeremy Weate
2 years ago
@Venom Groyper would be nice to get a clear and unambiguous statement from Land that he disavows the Bannon school of political philosophy. As it is, Land appears to be caught by re-territorialising vectors, all under the guise of accelerationism.
2 years ago
@Jeremy Weate "We can see from this derisory description of white nationalism that Land actually rejects its racist biological determinism as much as the left’s social constructivist views of oppression. For Land, what both left and right’s obsession with all-too-human differences overlooks is that an entirely new, artificially intelligent species is on the rise. Whereas white nationalists, conservatives and libertarians alike argue that capitalism is good for humanity (or at least the West) in that it generates the wealth of nations, Land holds that it is good because of the way it renders us obsolete before its technological march towards the creation of a new AI technospecies, or what Land calls ‘the bionic horizon’: ‘when seen from the bionic horizon, whatever emerges from the dialectics of racial terror remains trapped in trivialities. It’s time to move on’.
— Vincent Le, 2018, in Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 14, no. 3
1h15m is end of part one before the bitcoin bits from 2 weeks later [and meanwhile royally overtaken by the likes of Dan Olson's 'Line Up', recently chatted over with fan Gaby Dunn].
It ends on a profoundly McLuhanesque note: the diffusion awareness as a 'service' of globalization, draws "bad temper" and "lash out" in it's wake. I would add: for those fixated on the dissolution aspect without ability and talent to ground it, without the notions necessary to 'commit' border / autonomy maintenance, making THAT a particular comfort and pleasure fundamentally necessary to get acquainted with diversity [the positive interp of globalism] in the first place AND after all
James Scheirer
James Scheirer
1 year ago
I tried ilstening to this but the ads every 5 minutes is a huge turn off
Justin Murphy
Justin Murphy
1 year ago
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