Wednesday, November 11, 2020

the Bible is a very faux n insectoID -wall it- wallett

the description is bullshit, a euphemixm for taking away the bottom note .. that's what it sounds like to me anyways and i take it as a symbol and sign pointing to how the Netherlands has been choking their nether parts w dykes setting the entire ago[- and demotio]nizing cancerous cascades off. I often mention this in comments, hardly let a dark allusion get away without allowing it to trigger me into 'neus op de feiten drukkerij' [[inasmuch as one can force focus to become factual the same way feromonality has a way to be inescapable. Which a sinozio larp certainly wasn't. We don masks and present behinds voluntarily. The latter always a good basis to argue from and off of, don't get me wrong. So i'll just lift off and report a zoom out: As long as primates have tried to farm, they just can't get the balance of water 'slowth' [swalage, damage and such] and fructifying sedimental [famous vedic 'churn'/amrita] flooding right enough to prevent desertification, either thru partial success quickly succeeded by rivalries such as in asia or the too bumblingly 'fair' rapacity that hauls entire cultures to literally mix up [[into]] their own piecemeal .. at first and gaining destructive speed before you know and own it, starting w wood, ending up w 'gewonnen zieltjes, zich gewonnen gegeven zieltjes' = souls gained ... at least that's how i read hardline bible belters [[Slob 2nd nov20 week]] claiming 'refuse duh gaaay rites' .. .i think the inadmissible subtext is this: they fully intend to transmogrify and merge themselves out of existence humbly enough to serve and centralize all branches of their lordmasterjew's fields of endeavor better.
Anyhoo, it's the fate of all greatness .. to do little shortcuts for convenience and [those w eyes to see] see them diminutize everything into accumulative agony, give or take a few centuries, millenia if lucky.

Bach - Cello Suite No. 6 in D major BWV 1012 - Malov | Netherlands Bach Society
•Oct 30, 2018
Netherlands Bach Society
204K subscribers
Cello Suite no. 6 in D major, performed by Sergey Malov for All of Bach, is exceptional in all respects. In this last suite, which is also the longest, Bach makes the instrument ascend to heaven. He does so by using an extra fifth string – ‘a cinq cordes’, as Anna Magdalena Bach described it in the manuscript. The fifth string lies a fifth above the A string, which is usually the highest. You might even argue that Bach allows the cellist to transcend their own instrument.

Recorded for the project All of Bach on November 4th 2016 at the Gashouder of the Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam.


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