Putin Responds To Elton John: Respect Majority! Liberals Invented 5 or 6...
sparkgap vs raakvlak en getijdenbericht (tide report)
translation of [k]raakvlak: [spl]interface
"plane of existence" google results: 2.270.000 (with an illustrated eso one on top i might add). Why so popular?? Cause of its 1:1 clean & inclusive remainderlessness .... but real existence is a bumpy ride and a flat reelspool nohow noway.
passing thru the infinitesimal eye of the storm, a 'tijdsgewricht' [timejoint] is transformative and proponents of either side talk past each other; the sex gender discussion between Eric Striker and CV is a beatiful 2 hour illustration of just that ... of how discussions of/between new and old, female and male, peace and war, bonobo and chimp, abel and cain, day and nite etcetera, end up doing exactly that time and again. It'll prolly remain in my top 5 vids for this year.
Eric the conservative commie focuses on the incurably dangerous segment of a (specially due to propaganda strut&stut, inescapable toxins] increasingly populous, hence popular 'demotide' fragment.
The likes of him undermine their own vital and prudent uses of surveillance / restraint with distortionist effects of growth model profit motive ... blind to side effects, callous to collateral damage, normalizing those instead, etc, AND in fact guilty of causing it all in the first place thru their proud, brash and incautious indulgence in nonecotec / toxtec and instead becoming increasingly paranoid about that rising tide.
That noo way around, CV is a gender ambiguous commie, adopts a humanitarian focus on rescuing the repressed (celebrating the lifting of and escape from repression at every premature opportunity finagleable, blind to dangerous incurables, etcetera).
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